Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Niall smiled at the sleeping figure of his boyfriend. He was so glad that Liam’s parents, Harry’s aunt and uncle, were letting Niall still stay with them. It wasn’t that Niall didn’t want to live at home anymore, it was just that he didn’t want to let Harry out of his sight now, since Harry had been shot.

Just yesterday Harry had been released from the hospital, and that was only on the condition that he laid low. He was not able to do any heavy lifting, or anything. And that was from Dr. Jonas himself.

“Niall?” It was Harry’s voice, so NIall looked at him.

“Yeah, sweetie?” NIall asked.

“I’m thirsty.”

NIall only smiled, and then got up off the chair, and walked out of the room. He walked down into the kitchen, where Zayn was standing there clad in nothing but boxers.

“Zayn?” Niall asked, sounding shocked.

The boy spun around quickly, and smiled at Niall. “Hey, dude, what’s up?”

“Why are in front of the fridge? In your boxers?”

“Oh. Me and Liam were...umm...doing things, and he fell asleep, and I kind of got hungry. I didn’t realize anyone else was awake. Sorry.”

“S’okay. I was just getting Harry a drink of water, anyways.”

“Well, I’m going to get going back to Liam.” Zayn walked out of the kitchen, and when he got to the exit, he turned around, and gave Niall a quick wave. Then, he disappeared.

Niall went to the sink then, and got a cup full of water, and then walked back upstairs to Harry’s room. He gave Harry the cup of water, and then sat back down in his chair, watching as his boyfriend took a drink of water. He couldn’t help but feeling a little angry over the fact that Harry had been shot.
He wanted nothing more than to know who the hell had shot Harry, trying to kill the beautiful curly-haired boy. And he knew he was going to find out. And when he did, he was going to give them a taste of their own medicine, going to hurt them just how they hurt Harry, make them feel the pain Harry felt, make their loved ones feel the misery Niall felt when he thought Harry was going to die.

He looked back over at Harry’s bed, to see the lad sleeping peacefully, the cup of water next to him, completely empty. He went to grab it, and get another cup full. He opened the door, and right away, ran into Zayn, who had thankfully threw an old t-shirt on.

“We keep bumping into each other, don’t we?” Zayn asked, smiling.

“Yeah,” Niall said, passively. “What you doing this time?”

“I actually came to talk to you,” Zayn admitted.

“Really? Why?”

“Harry’s shooting. I know what Liam says, but I honestly think that it was Louis who shot him, but I agree with Liam that we can’t use the confession he gave us last week as any proof. We need more, like a weapon, or something.”

“Well, can’t you tell what kind of gun was used by looking at the bullet?”

“Yeah, of course!” Zayn exclaimed.

“Hey, you’re going to wake up Harry. He just finally went back to sleep.”

Zayn looked a little stoked at first, and then whispered, “Sorry. I just really want to prove that Louis is a bastard.”

“That guy used to be your best friend,” Niall whispered. “Why don’t you like him anymore? What changed?”

“Liam,” Zayn said, simply, his hazel eyes looking lost in space, as though he was thinking of more than the conversation. “When I found out he liked me, it made me so happy. And spending time with him, hearing him say things about Lou, it made me realize that I’d been in the wrong. I should’ve known that he was a bad person, that I should’ve never left you. Liam has had such a positive impact on my life, and he’s made me realize just how big of a douche I’ve been to you these past few years, and for that, I want to apologize.”

“No need for that, mate. I know you regret it, otherwise you wouldn’t want to be my friend again,” Niall said, smiling. And he meant it too. Because, it was the truth, had Zayn not regretted it, Niall knew that he wouldn’t want to be his friend, it was just that simple.

“So, you up for a visit to the police station tomorrow? Gotta go get evidence that Tomlinson tried murdering Harry.” Zayn said it so nonchalantly, as though it was absolutely no big deal.

And maybe it wasn’t.

There...another chapter :D And I'm sorry it's such a short semi-filler chapter, but I want to let you know that this book is going to have about five to ten more chapters written, so let's all cheer for joy. I can't wait for you guys to read this though, because it symbolizes my new for questions.

What do you think of Niall and Zayn's idea? Do you guys now think Louis killed Harry? (Ignore what happened in RC...none of that matters anymore.) What do you guy HOPE to happen? Do you think that Harry's almost-death will be brought to justice?

Dedication to an awesome person who commented on the last chapter, and it meant a LOT to me :D

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