Chapter Nine

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Hi :) Remember how in last chapter Louis asked Niall out? Well, here's Harry's reaction to it :) Don't kill me in the end, please!

The next day, Louis and Niall walked into school, hand-in-hand. Louis had proudly told Niall last night that he didn’t care who found out about them, so long as they were together. Niall liked the idea of everyone in the school knowing that he and Louis were together.

Niall smiled at Harry, who was waiting by Niall’s locker, just as he normally did every morning.

“Morning, Styles,” Niall said, smiling.

He then noticed that Harry’s green eyes focused on his and Louis’s intertwined hands. Niall smiled wider, trying to show Harry that he was happy about this, because Harry’s eyes didn’t look warm, but as cold as a rock.

“It’s okay, Harry,” Niall said, trying to sound brave. “You see, Louis asked me out last night. We’re together.”

Harry’s green eyes met Niall’s blue ones, and just nodded once. Then, without uttering a word, he walked off. Niall watched him in amazement. He wondered why Harry wasn’t talking to him.

The day went by fast. When it came to lunch, everyone watched as Niall and Louis walked through the lunch line together, holding hands. Then, when they sat down, they started feeding each other. Niall caught Harry walking through the lunch line, and staring at Louis and Niall for a second, before storming out of the cafeteria.

Harry’s behavior throughout the whole day just continued to confuse Niall. Especially when it came to their last hour they shared. Normally the two boys would have fun, laughing around and joking with each other. Today, it just seemed as though Harry was giving Niall the cold shoulder. Although, there was a couple of times that Niall caught Harry looking at him through the corner of his eyes. Those stares ended as soon as Niall looked at Harry, and they were all sorrowful.

At the end of the class, Harry jumped up, right at the bell, and walked out of the class hurriedly. Niall watched him, mournful, and wanting what they had once.

Once leaving the class, Niall met up with Louis. Louis pecked Niall on the forehead, and smiled. “Hello, Niall,” he whispered. “I missed you.”

“Me too,” Niall said, not sure if he was telling the truth. Honestly though, he was sure he was more worried about what was going on with Harry to really think about not being with Louis. That was just because Harry was his closest friend though, right? Niall wasn’t sure anymore.

As Louis and Niall neared Niall’s truck in the student parking lot, Harry walked over to them. Niall thought maybe his friend would apologize for his behavior, but he was wrong.

Instead, he pushed Niall out of the way, and then faced Louis. Then, he spat at Louis, “This is for being the douche you are.” Then, he punched Louis square into the nose. Louis lost his balance, obviously not expecting that, and fell back, hitting the cement parking lot.

“What the fuck Styles?” Niall bellowed at Harry. “What was that for?”

“Are you really that stupid?” Harry asked, obviously not realizing how harsh his words were. “He’s only using you to get revenge for getting Zayn suspended! He doesn’t really like you!”

“Yeah?” Niall screamed, his tears threatening to spill over. “Says who?”

“Do you really think that someone like Louis would ever like someone like you?” Harry shouted. Now, they were drawing a crowd. Niall didn’t care though, because Harry was starting to piss him off.

“What’s that supposed to mean? Are you saying that I’m not attractive enough to be dating someone like Lou? Or are you just pissed that I chose him, and that I’ve been spending more time with him than you?”

“If you believe that, then you’re stupider than I thought,” Harry said, the malice in his voice evident. With that, he just walked away, not even looking back at Niall.

However, Niall watched his best—ex-best—friend walk away. He could feel something inside of him, sinking like a stone. He wasn’t sure what it was though.

Then, he remembered Louis. He stared down at the boy who had given him a chance, who had wanted to date him, and wondered if Harry was right. Could it be possible that Louis was only using him to get revenge on Niall? He hoped not, because he could see himself truly falling for Louis, if he hadn’t already.

Just then, he heard someone say, “Do you need any help? I know what to do in this situation, I’m CPR certified, after all.”

Niall looked up to see Liam Payne, that quiet, shy boy from his last hour class. He was relieved, because he didn’t know the first thing about safety.

“Go ahead, just don’t let anything happen to him,” Niall whispered.

He just hoped that Harry hadn’t done any permanent damage to Louis.

You guys totally missed last chapter's question, so I'm asking it again. What's your favorite part of this book? And the dedication goes to someone who hasn't read the book yet, but I want him to, because he loves Narry. It's my best friend Ashtyn, or on here, @1D_boy_directioner97 You guys should follow him. He doesn't have any 1D books up, but the books he does have, are awesome! Oh, and what did you guys think of Harry's reaction? And if you guys haven't figured it out, Niall and Harry are no longer friends. Nope, nope. And there won't be any Zayn for a couple chapters yet, because he's still got a week left of his suspension. I should know, I went back and counted it up. He'll appear within the next few chapters though. Oh, and do me a favor. Vote and COMMENT! Thanks for listening.

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