The unexpected

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🌱 Ivy's p.o.v 🌱

Harley ran straight into the bathroom, guess she had to pee. I'm glad Harl didn't want to tell me about her shopping adventure, I had bigger things on my mind. I raced to my lab and closed the door behind me, I threw myself at my workbench. There were several colours and shapes of vile's everywhere but none of them did as I intended. The purple liquid in the large tube made my skin grow thorns... Great, super useful. The yellow sludge in the tiny vile made me stronger that Bane on titan. I didn't need any of that... I needed my heart back. Why didn't any of this work?! I collapsed onto the floor for the third time today, I curled up into a ball and put my hands over my face in an attempt to stop the tears. I pulled my phone out and called my most recent number, I basically had Selina's number engraved into my head at this point. Over the last 5 days I have been calling her non stop.

"Pamela, are you okay?" I'm almost certain she could her my sobs over the phone even after I tried to conceal them. Selina knew what this conversation would be about already, it was always the same.

"No... It was never real Selina..." I heard Selina sigh instantly, she might of known what the conversation was going to be about but that didn't mean she wanted to talk about it.

"What was never real?" Selina always spoke in such a calming way when I was upset, I don't deserve her time or friendship. I'm so defensive around everyone it's a surprise that I have anyone at all.

" My heart, my feelings. I - I have tried everything. " I moved one of my hands upto the messy bun on top of my head, God I must look an absolute mess. I pulled out my bobble and caressed my slightly matted hair. " It was all fake... "

"Pamela, don't you dare ever say that again! I saw the love you have for Harley. It was real. It is real! When I get back tomorrow I will prove it just you wait."

"Selina, I don't know what you think you saw but it wasn't real... I can't love, I'm - I'm just a plant..." Tears streamed down my face yet again.

"Red?! Let me in... Please" I forced my tears back.

"Selina it's Harley, I gotta go... bye" I put the phone down and rubbed my face furiously. I quickly got to my feet and tumbled towards my door. I did not open the door, instead I placed my back against the door and prepared myself.

"What's up Harl ?" I didn't want to open the door, I couldn't bare seeing her...

"Red I - I just need to come in. Please let me in... I need you." I reluctantly turned around and pulled the cold bolt away from the lock. In no time Harley opened to door and ran into my arms. Still nothing...

"Red..." Harley's tears soaked through my lab coat, I felt bad that I couldn't comfort her... I didn't feel anything but pain towards Harley. "Please don't hate me... Don't make me leave. I can't live without you Red. Red I - I love you..." The end of her sentence was merely a whisper so I pretended like I didn't hear it, I was to pain full she only meant it as a friend but I couldn't even feel that for her anymore. Why couldn't I just love her like I wanted to. Nevertheless I pulled Harley close to my chest as I wrapped my arms around her.

"Harley, what's going on?! Why would I hate you or make you leave. Was it Phoebe did she do something to you?" I might not be able to love Harley but if she hurt her I would kill her, I have had enough of Phoebe. I knew in the depths of my mind that I couldn't really harm Phoebe, not even if I tried.

"Red, this has nothing to do with Phoebe... You already hate me, you have been literally locking me out for days. You don't love me and it's clear to see... I haven't even told you about the reason I'm here yet..."


" No! Red I have to tell you now or I never will..." what is happening, Harley pushed away from me. Please just let me feel... I need to feel. I want to love, just let me love... I will never ask for anything else if I can just love Harley. Please let me love my sweet little Harleen Quinzel. " I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Red. I'm - I'm... I'm carrying Mr J's baby..." my eyes widened what... What did she just say... "I'm pregnant Red... " Harley's tears increased and my legs collapsed underneath me, how could this happen.

Harley approached me cautiously, I'm not sure if she was doing it because she was afraid of my reaction or because she couldn't see through all her tears. Why did this have to happen... Why Harley, she has been through so much in her life all ready and now a baby. This could be what it all comes down too, this could be the reason she stays here or goes back to that monster. Harley keeled down in front of me, her legs were shaky but she was still more graceful than me collapsing to the ground.

"Harley..." I look deep into her watery ocean blue eyes, I gently wiped away the rivers on her face. I can do this. I tricked myself into thinking I loved Harley once and I can do it again, I held Harley's hands in mine and continued. "I'm never going to leave you, but Harl... If you - if you go back to that maniac there's no telling what he could do..." Harley completely froze, probably running through all things that could happen in her head. I love her, if I tell myself I love her enough times I will believe it eventually... I wish I could just love Harley.

Thank you for reading hope you enjoyed. Leave your comments below. Will be updating soon sorry this part look so long I have been sick for days ~Jw

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