The Scan.

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♦ Harley's p.o.v ♦

I can't believe this is the really happening. Bat brains and Bird boy left the room and left us to get on with it... How exactly does this work, it's not like I'm a doctor, I was a psychiatrist but they didn't teach you how to use one of these thingies. Kitty still had a firm grip on my hand, my hand were getting sweaty. What if the baby isn't healthy... What if something comes up?!

"How do we do this???" I think it was very clear that I was getting worried by the tone of my voice. Red made her way over to me and Kitty, she hasn't looked me in the eyes since we left this morning. I really messed up yesterday, I really hurt her.

As she paced towards us I couldn't help but stare, her dress several shades darker than her skin clinging to all of her curves perfectly. Her red waves of hair cascading down to her stomach. She always looks better after she has been out in the sun, her hair was more luxurious and her skin was slightly more green. She had her signature smirk firmly placed on her beautiful face. Her eyes never met mine, she might look like normal but she hated me... I don't blame her.

"Funny you should ask, I know exactly what to do!" Batkid skipped over to me and patted the hospital bed, chair thing and looked up at me with crystal blue eyes.

Kitty helped me up onto the chair and reluctantly let go of my hand. Selina placed herself at the foot of the bed. Red was stood just behind Kitty, glaring at Batkid.

"Try anything, and I mean anything and I will not rest until you are dead baby Bat."

"I'm not going to do anything Pamela! I'm not the monster you think I am. I'm not going to hurt an unborn baby! I don't want to go round chasing you and throwing you back into Arkham. That's your fault, maybe you should stop breaking the law. Maybe you should stop being such a heartless whor-"

"Stop! Both of you. We're here for Harley and her baby so can we just be civil for five seconds." Selina looked furious with her hands clenched and her cheeks going bright red. She seemed to direct all of her anger at BatKid as did I. BatKid just called Red heartless... After yesterday I was surprised that Red didn't collapse onto the floor as tears poured down her face, at the least I suspected that she would rage out. Red didn't react at all in the way I thought she would, she clenched her fists and walked back the way we came...

"Red! Please..." she turned around but didn't look me in the eyes. I held out my hand, praying she would hold me even if it's the last time.

She wouldn't want to give Batkid any proof that there was something up, she walked back upto me. She took my hand in hers reluctantly, her grip was so light it barley felt like she was holding me at all. I didn't care just feeling her so close made my heartbeat quicken.

"Okay guys let's just get this show on the road." Batkid wanted this done and now. I put my back onto the chair and got comfortable I guess. I was not letting go of Red's hand at any cost, right now she was my life line.

Batkid's cold hands slid against my stomach as she attempted to roll my top up, her hands were shaking a little. She stopped rolling when she got to just underneath my bra. Red looked at my stomach, her eyes widened and her grip on my hand increased slightly, she could probably see my baby bump. I didn't think that I would be showing at 5 weeks but I was. Kitty moved in closer to the chair and looked deep into my eyes with her own dark chestnut eyes. Batkid grabbed some gel of the trolley after she set everything else up, the weird wand thingy was now connected to the screen which was plugged in and switched on. Batkid squeezed some of the gel onto my bump.

"Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold." I tightened my grip on Red once more. Reds eye's darted to Batkid who was quick to apologise.

"Sorry, I forgot it's cold." Batkid pulled a worried smile. It was obvious that she didn't mean for that to happen, she just forgot.

Red turned around to look at me, as her hypnotic emerald green eyes met mine I couldn't help but stare. Her eyes looked like they were sparkling but I didn't noticed the tears welling up in her eyes. I didn't want to make her cry again, just looking at me caused her so much pain. Batkid kinda ruined the moment when she put the wand on my stomach and moved the cold gel around my bump. As soon as she started Red looked away and focused on the screen next to me. I soon after turned my head so that I could see the screen.

All I could see was black and white shapes all over the screen. I have no idea what any of this meant. I squinted my eyes and tilted my head a little, nope this was no use... I don't know what a baby looks like on one if these things. Batkid kept moving the wand thingy and spreading the gel around as she did. Red and Kitty both watched the screen with wide eyes, I don't think either of them had blinked this entire time. Red's grip on my hand was increasing, maybe she saw something I didn't. My eyes were glued onto the screen, my heart beat was increasing.

"Erm..... Harley?" Everyone shot around to look at Batkid. Why did she say it like that. My eyes began to swell up with tears...

"What's wrong?.." Batkid motioned for Kitty to hold the wand in place.

Batkid made her way over to the screen and looked at me, worry clearly building up in her eyes.

"Harley.... Harley you're - you're having twins..." Batkid moved her finger over to one lump of black and white and then over to another.... Twins?!?

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed. New part coming soon, leave your comments below ~Jw 💜

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