The call!

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🔥 Phoebe's p.o.v 🔥

I thought that everyone leaving would be great, maybe give me an advantage on Ivy. I was wrong, since they left I had just been walking around mindlessly, occasionally Skylar came over for me to pet her which was the most fun I had. There was nothing for me to find, neither of them had any really personal stuff that could help me in anyway. Boredom took over so I turned on the stolen flat screen that nobody ever seems to use, I mean if you steal a nice TV you might as well use it. I guess they didn't want to see if the clown was still looking for them, even though I found what happened when they saw he was out highly amusing nobody else did. Thinking of that maniac...

"Yes!" Whatever I was thinking about no longer mattered to me.

"Wheels up in twenty." Hotchner's voice sang through the screen.

I can't believe it, Criminal minds. Of all the TV shows that could be on I was not expecting my favourite show to be on right now. It was season 7, all my favourite characters were in this season: Aaron Hotchner, David Rossi, Jennifer Jareau, Emily Prentiss, Penelope Garcia, Dr Spencer Reid and Derek Morgan. All of the characters had a special place in my heart but JJ, JJ was my favourite character by far, I'm also a massive Jemily fan. Criminal minds got me through a rough patch in my life, it made me believe that my life was not all that bad, I've not been kidnapped and I'm not being tortured by a psychopath. Instead I'm a small time villain with secret superpowers, working with a psycho clown to bring his simple minded girlfriend back to him so he can eventually kill her and their baby; let's be honest Ivy is gonna die in the process. Thinking of ... The maniac clown. Where was I?

"Oh yeahhhh!" I didn't realise that I spoke out loud, I was just excited to do something except from sit around and watch an episode I have seen ten thousand times.

I got up on my feet as fast as I could. I left the room but I left the TV on, maybe Skylar would learn something. I jogged upstairs and into Ivy's bedroom, I quickly dropped to the floor and pulled out a small brown tattered old box from under the bed. The box was filled with everything I came here with, I hid the box under the bed to avoid anyone finding it and clearly it worked. I pulled out a ball of clothes, on the top was my grey ripped up and bloodied tank top. I pealed of the top layer of my clothes ball. Second layer was my cut up black leggings, those goons really roughed me up a bit. The ball continued till I finally reached the small rounded  rectangular black box, I grasped it in both hands leaving the ball of clothes sprawled on the floor. I flipped up the screen, wow this thing is old, Joker really needs to get with the times. I pushed the middle button on the key pad and the screen switched on. Oh no. The screen made my blood run cold.

Five miss calls from an unknown number.... Joker?! Without wasting a single second I pressed the call button as I held the cold flip phone to my ear. Two dialling tones passed till the phone was picked up, I opened my mouth but didn't get time to say a single word.

"IT'S ABOUT TIMEEEE!!!!" Whelp he sounds angry, classic Joker always going for the scare tactic.

"Okay okay calm down, it's not my fault these guys never leave their home."

"I want Pamela now! I have waited long enough for my Harley girl, we both know the only reason she hasn't come crawling back is because of little miss plant."

"But she's out I can't bring her right now."

"Okay let's get one thing straight. You want your money and your place to live. I on the other hand want my Harley and I'm gonna get her, but first of all you're going to bring me the plant. Then my Harley will come back to me and guess what... Then out deal is done, you get what you want and I get what I want. Soooo bring little old Pammy to the abandoned warehouse, next to the old fun house district before 4 otherwise I'm gonna send my goons after you. Understand?!"

"I understand." Before I could finish the line went dead, rude. How the hell I'm I gonna get Ivy to the Joker ?!

I reconstructed the ball of clothes with the phone in the middle, I then placed it back into the tattered old cardboard box. I pushed the box back under the bed and got up onto my feet. I descended down the stairs and was met with Skylar brushing up against my leg.

I started pacing the room, Skylar followed me most of the time. How can I get her there? It has to be quick, if it's not her plant army would be onto me and everything would go down hill. Fast? Fast? Fast? I will have to knock her out but how? Would chloroform work, she's immune to everything plant and I don't know if chloroform would work for that reason only. I never paid any attention in chemistry sooooo yeah, I just assumed that the chloro in chloroform was like the plant chlorophyll thing. Maybe I should just go for the old classic and just hit her over the head: Simple, easy, reliable and quick. One problem is how I'm I going to get here all the way to the fun house district, I can't just drag her across the ground for miles. I guess I will just wing it.

I finally sat down on the couch and patted on of the cushions, resulting in Skylar hopping up and joining me. Maybe watching the greatest crime TV show on earth will help me with some ideas. I hope so otherwise I'm gonna have some goons to deal with...

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed. New part coming soon so leave a comment below. I don't know if you noticed but I might be obsessed with Criminal minds 😂💜~ Jw

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