The truth is out!

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🔥 Phoebe's p.o.v 🔥

I started to pace the waiting room, everyone else went to go check on the girls but I couldn't bring myself to go, I didn't want to see the damage I caused... What if Joker already told Ivy whilst he was torturing her? What if everyone already knows that this was all my fault. What if everyone hated me... Maybe I should just leave before it's too late, before the Batman takes me in or worse they let Harley have her way with me. The guilt inside was unbearable, I wasn't even upset about my inevitable down fall by the Joker's hands, I was upset about the damage I caused. They let me in, they took care of me, they treated me as equal and they loved me like family.

"Hey... Phoebe?" I turned around to see Batgirl stood in the open double doors.

"Yeah? Is Ivy okay?!" Batgirl stood still and held the door open for a doctor who stormed out, Batman and Robin following not far behind. After she realised I spoke she replied.

"She's fine you can go in if you want I will take care of Skylar if you'd like." She smiled whilst I thought about my answer...

"Can you come with me?" I didn't know what was happening in that room, but I did know that The Bat's wouldn't let anything happen to me, even if I did deserve it.

"Erm.. Sure. Why not!" She smiled and motioned for me to come over.

We walked down the corridor to find the door which held my deepest fears... Maybe they didn't know yet. Hopefully I still had time with them we had already wasted 15 minutes trying to find the room, I didn't want to leave but I knew sooner or later that would find out, then I would have no choice but to run. I wish I could just take it all back, but the past is in the past... Batgirl pushed the door open and held it in place, I stepped inside and scoped out the room. Furthest away was Dr D Croft from before, no threat there. Closest to my position was Selina, she looked totally out of it, whatever happened in here must if knocked everyone of their game. Everyone's eyes were focused on the two on the bed, Harley was precociously positioned on the edge of the hospital bed as Ivy clutched Harley close to her chest, occasionally she would stroke Harley's hair with her other hand if she could build up the strength.

My heart hurt, I caused her pain. I caused all the pain in the room, except maybe Mrs Crofts, I mean there's no way right?

"I'm done..." Ivy sounded stronger than I would have guessed, maybe she's recovering better than the doctors thought. "I can't keep lying to you guys, your family... All of you." Maybe Joker won't find us again, I won't lose them... They are my family and I'm not gonna lose them without a fight!

I stepped closer to Selina, she instantly gripped at my hand. We were all worried about what was happening. I didn't know Ivy that well but I did know that she holds her secrets dangerously close to her heart, whatever she's going to tell us had to be big.

"Red, a-are you sure?" Clearly Harley was in on whatever was going on but there was no surprise there, maybe she's just going to confess the clear undying love she has for Harley, not really a secret but to be fair that would be big for Ivy.

"I'm sure, Harl." Ivy used her hand to pull Harley even closer, probably for extra moral support. " I-I'm in.... IminlovewithHarleyQuinn!" A wide smile spread across her face. She spoke so fast that it took a while to decipher what she said. Before anyone has time to support her she spoke again. "I love her, I don't want to hide it. I don't wanna lock it up and hide my feelings about my beautiful Harleen Quinzel. I love you! I always have... I hid it for so long, I almost died, you would never of known." A singular tear trickled down her face. Harley edged forward but Ivy kept going before Harley could plant a kiss on her lips. "I know everyone saw it, the glances, the pain, the heartache but I had to say it. I love you Harl and nothing will stop me from loving you. Not even my father..." This is so cute, I've never seen Ivy be so genuine. Not ever her- what ...

"WA-" Selina was cut of quickly, clearly Ivy had no intention of stopping herself from spilling all of her darkest secrets.

"My father, he doesn't approve and never will. He doesn't want me to soil the family name, as everyone saw... He will do whatever is necessary to stop this love. He would of killed Harl minutes ago if Bats wasn't here. My farther ..."

"The Doctor!?!" I heard Selina cry out, she looked like she was in between the stages of crying and throwing up with disgust. The doctor that stormed out?

Ivy simply nodded as more tears left her eyes. She clutched at Harley as she started to cry also. Selina started pacing the room. Looks like I missed a lot, a doctor tried to kill Harley whilst I was outside and that same doctor is Ivy's father! Suddenly Selina stopped and her head shot up..

"You?!" She stood gazing at the woman from before. The woman had stored up tears in her eyes as she looked up to meet Selina's gaze. "You're Pamela's mother?!" She nodded?!?

There was a sudden knock at the door, Batgirl pulled open the door but her eyes never drifted from Ivy and Harley. A woman entered, she had dark brown hair up in a ponytail that swayed as she got further in the room. She was pulling a metal trolley behind her, the trolley was covered in a bunch of non lethal looking objects: gloves, bandages, antibacterial wipes and clear bag with clear liquid inside.

"I need to change Miss Isley's dressing and IV drip." She smiled at ... Ivy's mother and continued. I didn't even realise Ivy had dragged that out for at least an hour, or was it two ?!? I can't remember... Time sure does fly when you are confused and emotional. "If you could all just wait outside momentarily I can do this a lot faster."

I turned to the doctor and nodded, I started walking towards the door. I tapped Selina on the shoulder and she snapped out of her trance and followed me, Batgirl did the same. After we left Dr Croft walked out and looked at us all worried.

"Explanation please guys!" I needed filling in and now!

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed. Vote and comment if you feel like it. Stay tuned for the next part coming soon ~Jw

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