What about Harley?

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🐈 Catwoman's p.o.v 🐈

Leaping from rooftop to rooftop, sure it's not your average date night but we weren't your average couple. The night was cold, of course it was this is Gotham. There wasn't much happening so we watched over the city from the top of the Ace chemicals building.

"Hey there's a nice jewellery shop over there." I gave a sly smile, I was joking not completely but it could more fun than what was happening now.... Which was nothing! Date night was basically over its morning but it's dark so we stayed out.

"Very funny, this is why people said we could never be together " Why did he always have to be so serious, I couldn't even read his expression with that stupid mask.

" I was only-" I was cut of. Why, that was rude.

"Quite..." Wait a minute, this day might get more interesting. Bruce was holding his hand to his cowl, probably picking up on police com's. "Police heard gun shots at an abandoned warehouse. Sounds like Jokers m.o." (method of operation)

"If he's at his hide out.... " my eyes widened as realisation kicked in. My heart race increased dramatically. "Harley. We have to go now!" I turned to my side, where the heck did he. My eyes darted around searching. Oh He was already in his batmobile, the side was open and he was waiting for me impatiently. I wasted no time jumping on to the seat besides him and pulling the door closed.

On the way there all I could think was he finally snapped, sure he was insane and beat Harley regularly but killing her. No, she's fine Selina snap out of it.

That was quicker than expected, we both leaped out of the tank of a car and headed over to Gordon. He never looked pleased to see me but this time I really didn't care, I walked past him and entered the building. The warehouse was dark but soon enough it got even worse as the Joker's laugh filled the room. That peice of-

"You have to be more careful." His muscular arms held me for a second before he carried on towards the man behind the laughter.

I didn't answer I just sped up behind him. Why is this guy still laughing. Please don't let it be at Harley's body, without Harley there would be no annoying bubbly blonde driving everyone crazy. I know I don't sound like I would miss her but she's the glue that holds everyone together. She gives Pam the companion ship she desires. She stops Joker from destroying the whole of Gotham. She keeps everyone sane, well as sane as possible, before I knew it we where out side a door, Joker was definitely on the other side. The laughter was almost painful to listen to at this point.

Bruce kicked down the door and revealed a horrifying mess, the stuff of nightmares was in that room. When the door came crashing Joker didn't move, his laughter carried on, he didn't care that we found him. I looked around horrified, Blood it was everywhere. There was a drip and another one flowed by another one.

"No." Bud and Lou, Harley's hyenas were hanging from the roof. Dead. They where both skinned. I couldn't look any longer I had to find Harley. Please be okay.

I ran into a smaller room... Blood everywhere, scraps of Harley's costume scattered everywhere. Where is she. There was a knife... No Harley. There was a bloodied suit on the floor, Joker's but no Harley. Where is she.

I marched out that room so fast, nothing could stop me. Batman was walking Joker out, not if I had anything to do with it. I pulled him from Batman's grips and slammed him on the floor. He wasn't going anywhere.

"Go check that room for evidence of Harley, she's not here and I'm gonna find out what he did to her." I was furious, what had he done to her? Bruce didn't answer back he just went into the back room.

"Where is she? What did you do to her? " There was no reply and my patience ran thin. I tightened a fist around his throat and looked him dead in the eyes. " I said where is she!?"

Bruce came back into the room emotionless as always, I loosened my grip I didn't want to accidentally kill him, we would never find Harley if that happened.

"There's traces of Quinn's and Joker's DNA all over that room..." his look changed to one of clear and utter disgust. " More than one kind." What did he-. Oh... Wait WHAT!

My fist tightening once again as my other fist rapidly hit into Jokers face over and over again, until Bruce ripped me of him and took him to Police Commissioner Gordon.

No.No.NO.NO! I scrambled for my phone, Pamela she'll be with Pamela. Please pick up please.

"Hello!?!" I didn't even pay attention to her tone of voice. All I heard was hope.

"Pamela..." What do I say. Hey Pam I think Harley is dead but hopefully you have her right. Yeh that would be subtle.

"Selina... Why are you calling me, you should be calling Harley not me." No. no. no. Why is she saying what, like she's not with Harley. Please have Harley. Pleaseeee!

"Pam... Please. Please tell me you have Harley." Pleaseeee. please. Please have Harley.

"[sigh]..." oh no. No this doesn't sound good. "No thanks to you, I just left her upstairs.... What do you want selina?"

"Yes. Oh thank god. Thank you Thank you so much...."

" I might be amazing but I'm not god Selina...."

" I'm coming round, now! "

" You can't just invite yourself to my home Selina. Anyways Harls Is asleep and if you don't mind I'd like to get back to her goodbye Selina."

Wow that was rude. Actually I don't care she's alive. Harley is alive. I just need to get changed and go see her...

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed. This was extra long I didn't want to stop writing XD so sorry.Vote and comment below and like always new part coming soon ~Jw

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