Time to meet Phoebe

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🐈 Catwoman's p.o.v 🐈

Skylar was stepping towards me, I have never been so curious. What was Pamela thinking, how could she be so thoughtless Skylar is just a kitten. As Skylar got closer my palms got sweaty, I have never been so worried about what one of my own would do to me cats, kittens even big cats all love me but Skylar was no longer all cat. Pamela looked worried, if she's worried what the hell should I be?! Skylar started sniffing the air around me, she's still part cat she should remember me... Please remember me.

Skylar stopped sniffing and rubbed up against my leg, Pam seemed to relax as she did. I don't even know why I was worried in the first place, anything feline loves me. I bent down and held the little ball of fluff, she's heavier, that's good they have been feeding her properly. To say Skylar just had thorns growing out of her body she was surprisingly soft.

"Looks like someone missed me. Did the big bad plant lady do experiments on my baby." sure she can't really answer but Pamela could hear so I looked up at her, her whole body looked genuinely upset.

"It was an accident I swear... I'm really sorry Selina." I have never seen Pamela like this, she seemed so unsure. Pamela is usually so sure and full of herself, its one of the reasons we don't get along.... That and Harley.

"Hey... I'm sure you didn't mean to. How are you holding up?" She dropped her head. How could someone go from being so sure about themselves and be so passionate towards another to being so lost and confused. "Not good then..."

Her luscious red hair swayed from left to right. I didn't know what to do, me and Pamela have never been close. Should I hug her? If I hug her she might punch me... I raised my arms, it's worth the risk. She needs me right now.

"Get yourself over here Pamela." She looked up at me and stumbled towards me, that's all I needed. Looks like she isn't going to hurt me, I made my way over my hurting red head. When I got close enough I trapped her in a warm embrace, I never noticed how low her body temperature naturally was. I guess plants aren't known for being warm but still.

Eventually I felt her relax into the embrace. Wow she's really soft, like really soft. I have never seen Pam so vulnerable... What happened to her whilst I was gone.

"Hello?!" this was a new voice, a younger woman's voice. Not Harley's though, more mature... Not like it's really difficult to sound more mature than Harley. I turned my head slowly to look at the source of this new voice, there's no hurry she didn't sound like a threat. Pamela on the other hand launched herself away from me, trying to build her walls back up I see.

"Hello to you... You being who?" just by looking at her hair and her stance I could tell she was not going to be fun to talk too.

"Phoebe and who are you." She started to make her way over to Pamela, out of love or to claim her as a prize? As she moved I did. If this was Phoebe there's a possibility that she's messing with Pam and if she gets to close she could do something.

"Selina!?" My head span around to see a beautiful but bruised blonde that I loved like a sister, Harley.

"Hey Harley!" Harley practically jumped into my arms, how is she this energetic in the morning.

"Whatcha doin here kitty?" I looked over into Pamela's worried emerald eyes. Phoebe has backed away from Pam but I already don't have a great feeling about her.

"I thought I could come and stay with you guys but it seems you found yourself a new roommate." I pouted at Harley and she jumped of me and looked at Pamela.

"I guess we could make space for one more." Pamela clearly didn't want anyone know that I was here for her. Why's is she always so dam proud... Well I guess that's debatable now but anyways.

"What's going on I'm confused..." Phoebe just had to make sure everyone didn't forget about her, dam I was so close. Why is she here again... I guess I will have to ask Pam later.

"Oh. Oh Phoebe this is Selina." Harley turned to me. "Kitty this is Phoebe. She's staying with us coz she has no where else to go. She's fun you should get to know her." she turned away to look at Phoebe. " Kitty is one of my bestiest friends along with Red of course. Kitty is who gave us Skylar.... Where is skylar?"

Oh yeah, Skylar... I turned to look at Pam and she had the same expression as before, scared. There is something seriously wrong with her.

"Harl... You- you left the door open to my lab..." Harley's face dropped and she looked like. When has she made this face at me.. Oh sh-

"Skylar isn't dead Harley! She's okay, she just licked up some chemicals and now well she has thorns. " I had to get in there quick before her heart broke... Again.

"Thorns?" Harley looked, well she didn't look happy but Skylar wasn't dead so she was okay. If anything she looked... Excited?

"I - I can fix her if you give me enough time... I really didn't mean for this to happen and I know you didn't either. But Harl if you just locked the door this wouldn't of happened..."

"I - I locked the door. I swear! I put the pad lock on whist you ran upstairs. I swear Red I swear!" Harley looked like she was about to cry. Harley seemed convinced but it's not like Skylar could break through the door with the lock on, I have seen the lock Pam uses it's pretty heavy duty.

"It doesn't matter now Harley, it's already done..."

"Wait you said you wanted to fix Skylar..." Harley's face just kept getting more and more upset, on the edge of tears. Wait did she not want Skylar to get fixed.

"Do you not want me to get her back to normal?"

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed. Comments below and as always new part coming soon ~ Jw

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