Chapter Five: Face of Fear

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~~~~~Dream Starts~~~~~~

I am lying in bed. Dad tickles me until I finally drag myself out of bed. I look at him and smile. "Wake up sleepy head," he teases. I groan and tumble out of bed, my hair bedraggled. He ruffles his fingers through my hair and lifts me up by my arm. He tosses me a shirt and some jeans and he walks out of the room. I quickly change and as I walking to the kitchen, I see my dad in the bathroom, head low. I walk over to him, "what is it?" He replies with a sad voice, "I wish this was all real." I hug him and say, "Me too." My wings sprout from my back and wrap it around my dad. I feel his wings sprout and do the same. I rest my head against his shoulder and we stare at our reflection for a couple moments. Suddenly dad says,"Time to wake up kid."

~~~~~Dream Ends~~~~~

I decide to walk to school. Mr. Shiney said I could continue to attend school either because he was nice or he needed time to officiate it. Maybe both. As I enter the school I see kids staring at me. Probably after the incident. I chuckle to myself as I open my locker. Maybe now I'll get a little respect. The incident was one of the few times where I got expelled because of my own rage and not my dad's. I don't care though, I meant every bit of pain Mike's in right now. As I walk through the hallways I notice people whispering about me when they think I'm not looking. They're scared of me, afraid of what I might do to them. Suddenly I walk into a girl who is reading,"sorry, I wasn't paying atten-" she looks up and recognizes me," s-sorry, I didn't mean it.""hey, it's oka-" She quickly walks around me and stumbles to her locker. She lifts her head to see if I am still there, then she quickly drops it. I feel a smug smile creep onto my face, as I turn around and continue walking. When I enter the classroom I hear more people whispering to their friends about me,"oh god, it's Colton. I heard he nearly killed Mike!" Of course by the time the story gets around, it's nothing like the actual thing. I sit down and I hear the scooting of chairs as other kids try to get as far away from me. Finally, the world is what it should be. Though they know nothing of my true powers, what they did know was enough. As the teacher began to drone on about history or something, I caught a few disapproving glances from him. Seems like everyone in the school knows about me now. They know to fear me.

Author's Note
Again, Colton is not evil. He does have some anger issues though. Also I need a character. Gimme a character that he meets later in I need:





Things to remember about their personality:

Brief desc. of character:
(Note: the character must be younger than 11)


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