Chapter Eleven: Betrayal

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Seto's POV

When I arrived at the lab the next morning, as I walked to my office I was greeted by everyone who saw me. Word had got around. Apparently I was the only sorcerer/wizard, whatever you would like to call it, who had successfully revived the dead. I remembered that, when I had saved Quentin from the jaws of death after Der... I pushed the memory to the back of my head and rifled through my notes on my desk. I suddenly heard a voice from behind me "Dr. Seto, we are ready to begin phase one of the experiments." I turn around and answer, "oh, of course." I stand up and hurried past the woman to head to the testing chamber. A team of my comrades were gathered in the control room. "Ready, Dr. Seto?" A guard said to me. He and some others were going to accompany me as I started the tests, which sadly, could only be done when one was in physical presence. Another scientist handed me a syringe filled with a deep purple substance. It was a potion, which depending on who's blood was inserted, would allow me to access one's thoughts for a short time. I was very difficult to make though. It was one of the few we had in store. Grasping it firmly the metal doors to the cell swung wide, and I saw the boy sitting there, his head hanging low. As I approached him, his head shot up and turned to my derection. "Hello there," I said. He emitted a low growl, something that came from an animal, not a human. I slowly removed the piece of cloth that served as a blindfold. Once removed, I saw his eyes, and my heart dropped into my stomach. He looked exactly like Ian. Since Ian was dead it must have been his son Colton. He looked at me with angry eyes and I saw a most peculiar sight. The color in his iris' swirled with blue and green before settling with a sky blue that pierced into the mind. Suddenly he said, "Seto.." but it was like Ian was in the room. Which was impossible, since he was dead. Colton emitted another growl it gave off a sense of warning, a sense of danger. Suddenly I heard a ripping sound, only a split second after was I being slowly drained of life and fading away into darkness.


Colton's POV

I felt the blind fold fall of my face as I opened my eyes. As soon as I saw the man my dad started screaming in my head.


'Wait who is Seto? This guy? How do you know his name?

Seto was once my friend! Then he decides to betray me like this???

'How has he betrayed y-'

I felt and immense pain in my limbs as my dad wrenched me out of my body and squeezed into it himself.

'Dad! What are you doing??!!'

He ripped the metal restraints off and quickly unfolded my wings as his slammed "Seto" in the wall by his throat.


Suddenly the guards ripped us apart from him and quickly carried "Seto" out of the room. As the door closed behind them, Dad rushed toward it and managed to hold it open and keep it from closing. Luckily there were second doors that swinged closed with a thump. I fell to the ground as I regained control of my body. The guards that were still in the room were poised, guns aimed directly as me. I stared at them hard before commanding,"do not move or there will be consequences." The guards still poised their guns at my face. At that moment I could have easily related to Elsa. I flapped my wings shot up into the air. I flipped id flight and ran across the ceiling before dropping down and kicking one of the guards in the head. The other guard rapid-fired at me. The odd blaster firing laser repeatedly before I fell onto his head too. Suddenly a large mechanical arm descended from the ceiling and grabbed the crying that had been dropped by "Seto." I looked around to see who was operating it and I saw a large glass window, a couple feet off the ground. I flew up to it and stared in the scientists eyes, flickering back and forth between them. Most of them lowered their gaze and/or stumbled backwards. I could do this. I could bring unease to the mind with only my gaze. Suddenly I, well no, dad, emitted a low growling noise and said, "you have been warned."


Author's Note
Don't go hating on Seto just yet. Hear him out. Also pay attention. Again and again for a reason. ~Nuke

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