Chapter 17: Bullies

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Colton's POV

The guards came the next morning and said,"there's something new that has just been opened for use, and I think you might like it." They led us out of the room and we entered a large room that was illuminated with many bright LED lights that were hanging from the ceiling, which was about 39 feet high. "Welcome to the food court," the guards said. There were hundreds, maybe thousands, of other people, some had extra arms or wings. Some looked normal but could fly. It was amazing to see so many other people. My jaw dropped as I stared at the scene. "That's the lunch line and the rest, well you can figure it out." The guard walked away. "Well, don't just stand there. Let's go explore!" Ruby exclaimed as she grabbed my hand and dragged me around. We explored a bit, and we didnt find much. When Ruby finally gave up the chase for something interesting, we got our food and sat down. But soon, we were confronted by the local jerk. 'Does every place in the universe have one of these?' I thought as a burly kid with electricity sparkling around him approached us.. "I'm gonna need you to move," he said. I was about to pick up my plate and leave, but Ruby had other plans. "Who says we have to?" she piped up. "Umm.. me. Duh!" He replied. "Well I'm not gonna move." The kid rubbed his fist on his palm and said,"I said, I'm gonna need you to move." Ruby stood up."Make me." "Fine maybe I will!" He attempted to punch Ruby in the face but she swiftly dodged and said, "then meet Diamond." There was a bright flash of light and soon, Diamond stood in front of me, but this time she had long pink staff with razor sharp blades on each end. She ran at him but he moved to the side and grabbed the staff. Ruby fell over backwards as he tugged it. He grabbed her my her neck and said,"don't mess with a badass. Keep that in mind." He dropped her and walked away. "Since this guy is being a jerk, why don't we have some fun," I mumbled under my breath as I stood up. Crossing my arms and smirking, I said, "well let's see who the real badass is." He turned around and said,"you challenging me?" "Maybe, maybe not. You decide." He lunged at me and threw a punch at my face. I dodged it and grabbed his arm and spun his upside down. He landed on the floor with a thud and I stomped my foot on him. My green sneaker sunk deep into his belly as he squirm around in my grip. "You got ten seconds," he said,"to let me go." "And if I don't?" He ignored my question and counted down, "10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1.. FINE!" A jolt of electricity shot up from his arm, which I was still holding, and shocked me, making me loosen my grip and fall over. He tried to step onto me but I grabbed his leg and threw him on the ground beside me and stood up. He stood up, but I was already in the air. 'Jerks.' He powered up and started buzzing. He poised his hand for throwing something, and  a ball of electricity formed at his palm. In a split second I swooped down and grabbed a handful of someone's stew and threw it at the kid as he threw the ball of electricity he was holding. The two collided and exploded in a hot,  stew-y mess. He just stands there like an idiot, oblivious to the current events. I slam into him and push him up  against a wall. Grabbing his arms, I pull his left arm back while pinning his right arm on his back with my knee. I yanked his arm backwards and he yelped in pain. It was a move I had used before sometime a couple years ago. I whispered into his ear, "learn your lesson punk." I let go of him and he scrambled away like the wimp he was. 'Easy.' Diamond walked up to me and said, "thanks." "No problem." Then we walked back to or seat and ate in peace.


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