Chapter Sixteen: Spark

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Ruby's POV

The guards dragged me and Colton into a large and metal room, it's ceiling towering above us. 55 metallic humanoid figures(think C-3PO guys, but grayish) were arranged around us, with saw blades for hands. "Fight," a voice boomed out of nowhere. The metallic figures whirred to life and slowly began to advance onto us "Uh.. what are we supposed to do?" I whisper into Colton's ear. "Follow my lead," he growls. Suddenly large white wings with gold and blue tips sprouted out of his back. "You have wings?" I yell, jumping back in surprise, "that's why I'm here." He zips forward with a flap of his wings and uppercuts a robot's head off. My eyes widen in amazement. I lean forward with instinct while a saw blade slices the air where my neck used to be. I feel my vision sharpen and my muscles tense as I turn around and punch the robot in the face. When my hand pulls back, I see a large fist-shaped dent in it's face. "Nice!" Colton shouts as he swings a robot around in the air and then throwing it into the wall, embedding the robot into it. His vivid blue eyes shone with glee as he flashed a slightly malevolent smile. 'He has amazing eyes.' He drops to the ground and faces the robots that approach him he roars and charges at them, grabbing their heads and slamming them together, smushing them flat 'I gotta ask about that later. Does he have super strength or something?' In the action, I could have sworn I saw two ears pop up on Colton's head. Suddenly a robot sneaks up for behind him and stabs his leg with it's saw blade. For some odd reason, I was just standing there staring the entire time. Don't ask me why. Colton yelped in pain and, with his good leg, kicked the robot to the floor. I am jolted back to reality as Colton fell to the floor. My brain started to work correctly and, flashing a malefic smile, I said,"good job Colton, but now it's my turn."
Colton's POV
Ruby flashed a malefic smile and said, "good job Colton, but now it's my turn." 'Should I be worried?' Ruby's eyes turned from lapis blue to crimson and her hair turned blue with teal tips. When she finally stopped she was in baby blue tube top and red jeggings. "She's gorgeous," I whispered under my breath and blushed. Her black boots clacked on the metal floor as she approached the robots, who apparently, had been still during Ruby's transformation. 

She walked up to one of them and said, "I. Am. Diamond." She raised a fist and punched the robot in the face, causing all the other robots to spring at her. As one attacked her from behind, she threw her hand  backwards above her shoulder and hit the robot, knocking it over and then turned around to stomp it's stomach and dented the floor in the process. She elbowed another robot and sent a robot flying with a crescent kick. Another robot walked up to her but she just punched a hole through it's stomach and it incinerated. Rolling her eyes she said,"Ugh. Robots are annoying." 

Soon the robots lay on the ground, limp(well actually stiff, the're metal) and lifeless on the ground. With a smirk she walked up to me. She held out a hand and I grabbed it to stand up. "Nice to meet you Diamond," I said, shaking her hand,"Nice to meet you too." 


Ruby's POV

The guards dragged us back into the cell. Colton lied down on a mat which served as our mattresses and I noticed that the cut in his leg was gone. "Colton, what happened to your leg?" He looked down at it and mumbled, "I'm an angel hybrid-thing. I have super healing. It's not as powerful as my dad's because, well, he's and actual angel. Or was, I guess." He walks up to me and asks,"what exactly are you? If you don't me mind asking." I stopped to think and said,"I don't actually know. I lost my parents when I was 10 and have been on living on the street with my little brother, David. I miss him." a bright ring of light surrounded me but it was soon gone and I was back in my orange and red jacket. "He's probably lost and confused and hungry and-" I burst out into tears. Colton sat down beside me and said, "I know how you feel. My mom probably is super confused and scared about what might have happened to me. My dad died when I was three," His voice started getting louder and louder, "If I find the person who did it-" He stood up and grabbed a rock from the ground and picked up a stone,"they will feel this," He threw the stone into the wall which a bang. The rock was embedded into the wall and there was a dent in it so deep it made me cringe. "Wait, but I saw your dad. How did he die if he's alive?" I asked. He shrugged with a look of confusion in reply. 

Eager to start a conversation, I said 

(I'm gonna switch format so you can understand the conversation.)

Ruby: What was your life like before you came here?

Colton: Don't wanna talk about it.

Ruby: Do you have any siblings?

Colton: No.

Ruby: Do you have any idea where we are?

Colton: No.

Ruby: Do you know why we are here?

Colton: No.

Ruby: Should I stop talking?

Colton: No- I mean yes.. No?

Ruby: Now you are confusing me.

Colton: How?

Ruby: I dunno.

Colton: My brain has turned to mush.

Ruby: Mine too.

Colton: How old are you?

Ruby: 12.

Colton: 14.

Ruby: Darn it!

Colton: *snickers*

Ruby: *pouty face*You gonna tell me about your life now? I told you mine.

Colton: Don't wanna talk about it.

Ruby: Tell me.

Colton: No.

Ruby: Tell me.  

Colton: No.

Ruby: Tell me.

Colton: No.

Ruby: Tell me.

Colton: NO.

Ruby: Tell me.

Colton: *yells very loudly* SHUT UP IDIOT I SAID NO!

Ruby: *curls up into a ball and whimpers*

Colton: *growls*

Ruby: 'Kay, I'll leave you alone now. *Slinks under blanket covers and lies on mattress*

Colton: Good. *Turns over on mattress which he is lying on*

Ruby: --- Sorry.

Colton: SHUT UP!


Author's Note

Ruby is exactly like my friend, who NEVER KNOWS WHEN TO SHUT UP! It's really annoying. You are that type of person, be careful, because certain people will totally explode when you do that. Like me >:c Just letting ya know.

Plus the character competition is still on! But now I have to change he requirements.

Name: David Skylin

Age: 8-4

Gender: Male


Things to remember about their personality:

Brief desc. of character:

 Mostly the same. But this time the character will most likely turn out to be Ruby's Little bro. If you already made someone, just edit their age and name and repost the comment. You can also vote for which ones you want! (reply to the comment and say #Davud)Just because something gets a lot of votes doesn't mean I'll use it but I will take the character ito account. 

Peace out. ~Nuke

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