Chapter 18: Acceptance

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Ruby's POV

As we ate, a small crowd began to gather around us and got caught up talking to them. But I noticed Colton was silent and staring off into the distance while slowly chewing his food. Playfully punching him, I said," Colton, what's your favorite food?" He looked up, bewildered. "Huh?" he asked. "What's your favorite food?" I said, thinking 'this is gonna be fun!' His eyes opened wide in fear. He was a boy that didn't talk much, I could tell. "Uhhh..." he droned, a loss for words. "Moving on..." someone else at the table called. He turned a deep shade of pink as I punched him again. "C'mon Colton, you can do better that that." "no I can't." he replied, chuckling. His voice saddened, "I never could."


When we were sent back to our cells, Colton lied on the mattress and stared at the ceiling. "What was you brother like?" he asked. "Well," I started, "He was a smooth talker. He could convince almost anyone to do anything with his words. Well something reasonable, of course, not like, jump off a building. Well, actually, maybe he could. He always strived to be the best, greatest, probably so people would actually notice him. He was the only thing I had left after my parents died." My head sunk low into my knees. After a few moments of silence, he said,"He's gonna be fine. He sounds like a kid who can protect himself." But he's only seven!" I whined. "He'll be fine." I whimpered in the silence the loomed over the room. "We're gonna get out of here," he said while kneeling down beside me, "I promise." "Pinky Promise?" I said hopefully. He smiled, wrapped his pinky finger around mine and said, "Pinky Promise."


Seto's POV

The pounding voice in my head was nauseating, making it hard to keep standing at all. But I withstood it until one day, me and comrades were deciding the best way to use each weapon. As soon as they started talking about Colton and Ian, the voice blared through my ears,

"Remember you vow. Remember your choice,

Or your life will be taken as well as your voice.

Your world as you know it will crumble to dust.

Yes we will do it, we will if we must."

I fell over and clutched my head in agony. Screaming in agony inside my brain, I whimpered as I rolled around on the floor. The world slowly faded away into darkness as I heard Nneka's voice crying for me, "Harvey! Don't leave.."

A slight sensation of happiness and pleasure on my lips.


I woke up on a hospital bed with a pounding headache. I clutched my head as I moaned in pain. I rolled around as tears of agony rolled down my face, for a split second, I could swear I saw Nneka's face in the window that led to the hallway. I sat up, but I just fell back onto the bed. The voice rang in my head again, but this time, it was soft and calm. 

You have seen what we can do.

'What? You mean making me pass out?'

Yes, of course. But that was only the tip of the ice berg. We could send you into a coma which could last for years. We could slowly drain all the life out of you until you die, serving as a very effective torture. We could make you go deaf. We could make you go poof and explode.

'I'm assuming to prevent any of that from happening, I-'

Have to ask Ian and Colton for forgiveness and find a way to free them and everyone else from this prison?


You would also have to record one last video with Team Crafted.


To thank your fans whom stuck by you and supported you even once you quit YouTube.

'Oh yeah, my fans are epic.'

This is your last chance to make amends. Or else we will kill you. 

'Who is we?'

That is for me to know and for you to find out.

'Thanks for the pep talk, I guess.'

Use your knowledge wisely Seto, you are much more powerful than you think.


I walked to Colton's cell. He, Ian and some other girl, Rebecca Skylin, from the looks of it, were soundly sleeping the night away. I gripped the note in my hand firmly. I slipped it between the bar and summoned a wind spell, which blew a small gust of wind and carried the note right beside Colton's head. I quickly walked away and, to my amazement, I heard the quiet shuffling of Colton picking up the paper and reading it. Memories raced through my head. Whether Ian believed me or not was what worried me. Would he forget about or recent meetings and remember the fun times we had as Team Crafted? I walked even faster, my footsteps echoing in the hall. A tiny tear dropped from my cheek as I whispered, "please forgive me."


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