Chapter 19: Unfolding

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Colton's POV

When I got the note, I immediately woke up Ruby, or tried to anyways. She just pawed at me and moaned, "leave me alone." I couldn't get her out of bed. But suddenly an idea popped up into my head, "Ruby, this is your last chance." "Waaaahh." "Fine." I stood up and rolled my sleeves. 'This is gonna be fun.' I gently tickled her neck, making her chuckle and try to jerk away from my hands. I slowly moved down her back and soon she was rolling around in the bed. My fingers found her stomach and she burst out in laughter. She rolling on the bed in laughter, tears streaming down her eyes. She raised her arms in surrender and said, " ok ok! I'm up." I stopped tickling her and she sat up, her cheeks still wet with tears. "What is it?" she said, and I could tell she was still trying to keep from bursting into laughter. "This," and I handed her the note.

Dear Colton,

I am Seto. A former friend of your dad. We were good friends until.. well, you can ask your dad about that. I have a plan to get you and everyone else out of here. If you accept my offer put the note in a place clearly visible place tomorrow night, if not, hide it. A meeting is going on on Wednesday the 14th. All the scientists and sorcerers will be there. I will open all the cell doors. This plan is only likely to work if all of you run out a the same time. The guards would otherwise obliterate you in a millisecond. You could perhaps roar or something as a signal to when the other prisoners should run. If you accept, I will inform you on other details later. And Ian, if you're reading this, I'm sorry. And Thank You.



Ian's POV

The piece of crap wanted to help us escape? Nu-uh, I didn't believe it. The piece of crap actually wanted to get us our of here after trapping us here for 11 months. "C'mon dad, how could it hurt?" I shook my head and crossed my arms. "But-" "NO," I replied, my voice firm. Colton's face began to turn red, and his eyes burned with anger. My eyes widened in realization of what was going to happen. "Ruby, RUN! TEMPER TANTRUM!" I flew onto the ceiling as Colton exploded with rage. "I WILL TEAR YOU TO PIECES!" He darted after me, clawing at my throat. These were his tantrums. He was diagnosed with a mental disorder which caused him to have some insane temper tantrums. As he got older, the tantrums got much more dangerous. Plus he was a cross angel and li- well, let's not talk about that. I ran across the cell, which was pretty big, so I had many options of where to run. I was jumping off the ceiling when Ruby ran over and tackled Colton. He fell to the floor as she held his hands up above his back. He groaned as she tugged on his arms, threatening to dislocate them. "LET ME GO!" he screamed in a low demonic voice as he kicked his legs in a effort to get Ruby off. She leant down by his ear and whispered, "no." He bellowed and rolls over rapidly, and swung Ruby into a wall. He leapt at me but soon retreated and yelped in pain as Ruby tugged on his ponytail. He had grown it out and kept it long, like me.  "Let. Go. Of. My. Hair!" He said between groans. "Fine Colton, I'll consider Seto's plan." He immediately stopped struggling against Ruby. "Good, I don't have to rip out your throat." I chuckled. He was like me, making odd jokes about death and murder and making it sound funny. I rolled my eyes as Ruby let go of his hair. I chuckled to myself as they fell asleep,"oh Colton."
Colton's POV
In the dead of night I felt a light tapping on my shoulder. I lifted up my head to see it was a man sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of me. His purple robes flapped in the light breeze from the fan that was in the hallway. His hair poked out from a white head band which was wet from the beads of sweat that popped up on his forehead. He smiled and said,"hi, I'm Seto."  I sat up and also sat cross-legged directly opposite from Seto. "I just wanted to tell you about the plan I came up with to help you escape." He said. A loss for words, I simply just nodded. "I will need you to tell all the other subjects in the food court. It's simple. In a few weeks, all the important and most powerful sorcery, sorceresses, and scientists are attending a meeting. I chose to decline and invitation to it. The top guards will be there guarding the meeting so no one hears what goes on in there. I can open all the jail cells, and you can send a signal to all the other subjects and then all of you will run out together. As soon as the attendants of the meeting know of the jailbreak, they will rush back here to try to prevent you from escaping. But if all of you goat the same time, the gourds will be overwhelmed before they arrive. Of course I will aid you as one of the most powerful sorcerers here. I suggest you have everyone max out there powers, like maybe transforming into lion form." My eyes opened wide at this remark, what did he mean by lion form? "Wait what, lion form? What is that?" I questioned. He cocked his head and his eyes widened,"oh, you didn't know? You are a cross angel-lion hybrid. We tested your blood." My jaw dropped as I shook my head slowly. "Well, since your dad is part angel, I think you mother might have something to do with lions." My brain was spinning on the spot. Bits and pieces of memories flew around in my brain, when we went to the zoo and looked at the lions, when mom helped me with a project on lions, toy lions, and a vague memory of playing with my ears. "If you want proof, feel you head." Then my hand obediently flew to the top of my head. I felt two little ears, like a cat's, pop up from my head. "What the actual crap?!" I yelled as I felt the little ears pop up."Seeeee," Seto teased. I shook my head and forgot about the ears for a while and said, "well, is that all you are gonna tell me?" I asked. He nodded,"yep, pretty much." Then he slowly faded away until there was nothing in front of me. I pondered everything I knew for a moment and felt my ears before living back in bed and falling asleep.

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