Chapter Six: Anger

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Colton's POV

After school ended and I was walking home, I hear a loud screeching behind me,"IT WAS HIM! HE HURT MY BROTHER! HE WAS THE ONE WHO DID THIS! HE WILL PAY!" I whip my head around and see a boy groping for my throat, only restrained my some of the staff and his parents. I look him in the eye and see rage, anger, insanity. Suddenly he breaks free from his bonds and runs towards me. I turn around and start running. The world became a blur. I don't even know where I am, but it was okay. I was used to it, seeing the world's sounds and color blur into one big mess. Being the fastest player on the track team, I welcome the feeling of bliss that envelopes me. Then suddenly I take a turn and run into a wall. When I regain my sense of the world, I see the kid standing in front of the entrance to the alleyway I had run into.

That kid is insane.

"You will pay. You will,"he said in a raspy voice. At that moment I feel as though I could be in a horror movie. But what happened next denied that. The kid jumped at me, teeth bared and his fingernails dug deep into my arm. I let out a yelp and yanked my arm out of his reach, ripping off some of my skin. I turn around and run out of the alleyway.

Colton, I know you don't want me too, but we have too!

'No we don't'

Yes we do, look at your arms, he's a somewhat insane kid with a taste for your blood. It's not okay.

As I run down the street, I feel the kid jumping on me and tearing off more of my skin.

'All I ever wanted was a normal life'

I'm sorry Colton, but we both know that will never be possible.

My head collides against the concrete and I black out



Colton's head crashes down onto the concrete with a thump. The crazy kid keeps on tearing at his skin, leaving his entire body bloody and red.

"Colton. Colton? COLTON!"

I desperately try to get him to respond.

'Take me away. Take me home'

He finally responds.

"Don't worry, I will"

I ease into Colton's body and muscles, taking control of them and turn over to punch the kid in the face. The kid yelps and jumps back. I stand up and unfold Colton's wings. The kid stares at me with eyes filled with hate, no, rage. He runs at me again but this time with an flap of Colton's powerful wings, I backflip(I know, totally unrealistic, but I had to. I just HAD TO!) over him, confusing and enraging him at the same time. He charges again and bites Colton's arm and I hear a sickening rip. More blood continues to spew from Colton's arm.

'Oh geez this is not good. Wait I have super healing.'

I close the wounds on Colton's arms and turn back to the kid. I narrow my eyes as the kid charges at me one more time. As he runs towards me I grab his arm and swing him into a wall. My vision gets blotchy as I feel rage build up in me, more than ever. When my vision finally clears I see the kid's limp, lifeless body lying on the ground below me, eyes wide open. A large crowd had gathered and was staring at me in terror. I fall to my knees as I feel Colton come to and takes control of his body.

'What have I done?!'
What have you done?

He looks around.

'I'm no better than Derp. I'm a monster.'

Author's Note
Sorry about the EXTREMELY GORY chapter. Yeah. So anyway, what do you think? Tell me in the comments, what do you think of the story so far? Yes I know this isn't much like Ian but ehh. Also big thanks to Mollinia for the ideas on how to even make this chapter. This chapter probably wouldn't be here without her, or the story, or the rest of the plot.... Also if I take SUPER long to update, it is probably because I plan to publish like, 3 or 4 chapters at a time! ~Nuke

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