Chapter 11

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Everyone stiffened as Levi said this. Seconds after, there was banging on the door. Petra quickly stood and took the barricade off the door and opened it to reveal an over-excited scientist.

"Hello squad Levi!"

"Tch. You're early."

"Oh I just couldn't help myself hehe! So [f/n], in case you haven't figured it out yet, I'm the head of the Scout Regiments research efforts. I'm going to need to learn everything you know about titans! Then, by combining your knowledge with my research; we may be able to learn even more about those beautiful creatures. Join me on this quest of scientific discovery!" she said enthusiastically, practically drooling at the thought.

Do I dare ask? Oh well, I was going to be here all night anyway.

"Hanji, what have you learned so far from your experiments?"

"Idiot; shut up" Auruo muttered trying to warn me of the danger I was getting into.

"Ah, I knew it. You possess a singularly curious mind, don't you?"

At this, Levi stood up from his chair, the rest of the squad following suit as he left just me and Hanji in the room.

"Well my inquisitive friend, why not lay it all on the table? Let's begin."

~*~ Time skip because I'm too lazy to explain all of Hanji's experiments ~*~

"... And that's all that we've learned about titans so far, but I'm sure you knew that already."

Groggily, I reply "yes. Yes I did." THAT WAS COMPLETELY POINTLESS! I learned nothing new and wasn't able to share any of my information with her!

"Anyway, what were you saying about your knowledge of the titans?"


I was cut off by the door opening, Petra and Auruo standing in the doorway.

"Ready to train brat?"

Hanji sighed sadly, "Well, we'll talk later." She left the room and I followed the two members of Squad Levi into the hallway. Auruo left in another direction without a word (surprising huh?) and I followed Petra to another room; the one I shared with her.

"Here," Petra said handing me a new uniform with a [f/c] shirt. "Put this on, let me know when you're ready for help with the belts, they're a little tricky."

I stepped inside and closed the door, changing out of the clothes I wore when arriving here. I still can't get over how amazing this is! I can stop two of the saddest moments in the anime from happening; the death of Squad Levi and Marco's death. I wonder what would happen if he lived? Would him and Jean stick to their original plan and join the MPs or will they both join the Survey Corps? I'm gonna have to persuade them to change their minds without letting one of them die. Maybe I can act as a citizen in Trost on that day and make sure everything turns out alright. I'll add that to the list of things I need to talk to Erwin about. I finished putting on the uniform, sliding the brown jacket over my shoulders. I don't look too bad I thought to myself as I opened the door to let Petra in.

"Wow [f/n]! You look amazing!"

I blushed slightly at her compliment, then followed her gesture to sit down. 10 minutes of teaching me how to adjust the straps later, I walked outside with her to where Auruo was standing with three sets of 3DMG.

Nervously, I walked forward and took one of them from his hand and attempted to put it on with great difficulty. Thanks to Petra, I got it on and learned what each button and trigger did.

"Okay. Time to begin your training. Let's go!"


Updates 4 days *sweg*

I have no excuse for not updating; I'm just lazy.

Love you guys,
~Marco💞 (:.^_^.:)

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