Chapter 4

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Okay, here's the second chapter I'm uploading tonight.  It's a little longer.



The three of us walked to the courtroom on the floor above my cell. Hanji was going on and on about how 'interesting' I was. We were walking down the final hallway as I felt a breath of air over my shoulder. Of course I already knew who it was. Mike backed away after getting a good whiff and looked at me with furrowed brows. 'I wonder how I smell to him, there probably isn't anyone else that has a similar scent because I'm the only one from another world' I thought to myself.

"Aw poo. We're already here, well in you go" Hanji said pushing me through the doors.

"Wait! I don't know anything about my trial! What should I say?!"

"Oh, I'm sure you'll figure it out. Remember, the whole world is counting on you making it out of here alive and helping humanity. Good luck!"


The double doors slammed behind me. 'Crap. I knew Hanji would do that!' I stood there for a second staring at the ceiling artwork (pretty creepy) before walking forward and kneeling in the correct spot where the MP could lock me to a pole in the center of the large room. Everyone looked at me strangely, probably wondering how I knew to do that even though I was from a different world. I was slightly surprised to see the room filled with Military members since I wasn't in the military. 'Why am I getting a Military trial then?' I wondered. 'Oh right, Zackley explains it at the beginning of the tribunal.' I turned my attention to the podium he sat at the front of the courtroom.

"I, Darius Zackley, will judging the tribunal of [f/n] [l/n]." He looked at me as he said "you were found unconscious in a field outside of wall Rose, in titan territory, and you have no memory of how you got there. This tribunal will decide your fate. Any objections?"

"No sir" I said trying to sort out which lines were from the real thing and which were from abridged so that I could better predict the situation.

"Your cooperativeness is greatly appreciated. Let's begin the tribunal."


Again, it was a LITTLE short XD.  (I've been listening to too many of Sans' puns)

I'll update faster if I get more comments, votes, views, etc.  So please do that!

As always, ideas are appreciated.

This story finally gets real in the next chapter.  It will be longer, I promise!

See ya freckles!

~Marco (:.^_^.:)

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