Chapter 13

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Five days have passed since I began 3DMG training. Not to brag, but I've been doing pretty well. When training, it's usually a case of "good cop, bad cop." It's pretty easy to guess which is which between Auruo and Petra. I think I've learned just enough to survive the attack at Trost. Even if I have no training in actually killing titans, I'm probably an expert when it comes to avoiding them.

Speaking of Trost, the 56th expedition is tomorrow. After explaining the situation to Erwin with the fewest amount of details possible, I've been granted permission to fight alongside Trainees, making sure everything that needs to happen does happen.

I hopped on the back of my horse, Jean (named after the original horseface) as I prepared to ride out to the Cadet Corps residence. Erwin suggested I ride out there so that I can meet the Trainees beforehand, hopefully making them slightly more trusting of me.

The sun was just beginning to rise as I arrived at the Trainee grounds. Guilt swept through me as I looked around at everyone; talking, laughing, joking, all completely unaware of the horrors tomorrow would hold. One of the superiors took my horse to the stables while I followed Keith's gesture to talk to him.

As soon as I was next to him, Keith cleared his throat. At that sound, all trainees stopped what they were doing immediately and listened to what their commander would say. Umm... This is awkward. Should I salute? Stand here? Introduce myself? Luckily, Shadis took care of that for me.

"Listen up, maggots! This is Cadet [f/n] [l/n], a member of the Survey Corps. She will be spending the day here getting to know you worthless cowards. Why she would want to know any of you is beyond me. Show her respect while she is here. Dismissed."

The cadets remained silent for a few seconds before returning to their previous activities. All except for one very curious boy with the most amazing eyes I had ever seen. Once we made eye contact, he stopped staring and began talking with his friends again. They all had questioning looks on their faces, glancing my way every once in a while, then one by one they all nodded.

A very excited Eren ran up to me and saluted. "Excuse me, miss [l/n], would you like to come talk with me and my friends?" he asked with a little too much enthusiasm. Woah. And I thought his eyes were beautiful on a screen. They are amazing!

"Of course!" I respond, also a little excited that I was talking to the Eren Jaeger. "And no need for the formalities, call me [f/n]."

"Great! Follow me!" I followed Eren back to his little group. Okay. I can't mess up here. This would be way worse than spoiling if I were to mention anything that happens tomorrow.

Sitting there were Mikasa, Armin, Connie, Sasha, Reiner, Bertoldt, Annie, Ymir, Krista, Horseface, and Marco. Even from this distance, I could see sweat pouring down Bertoldt's face as Reiner glared at him. He's probably already feeling guilty about tomorrow. Upon my arrival, they all stood and saluted. Again, this will take some getting used to.

"At ease soldiers. You may refer to me as [f/n]. Just treat me as an equal, okay?"

All twelve of them looked up at me with huge, curious eyes. I sighed, apparently they didn't get it. I sat down on the dirt and looked up at the standing cadets, "what's up... besides you guys?"

They all chuckled before sitting down with me. It was a little awkward at first, but we made conversation. That was until Eren asked me a question that made the group fall silent and look at me with anticipation.

"Have you seen what's beyond the walls?"


Sorry about the lack of chapters and whatever. Lots of personal stuff going on. I'll post a short summary of what happened in my other book, but it has nothing to do with this story so yeah!

Also, I keep forgetting to credit CobaltBuzzard for the book cover, so there.

See ya later, freckles!
~Marco💞 (:.^_^.:)

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