18. Tired

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Blake's pov.

I wake up when the sun seaps through my curtains. I reach out across my cold bed for Jade but I only feel empty sheets. I sit up quickly looking around my room. I jump out of bed, slip on sweatpants and run out of my bedroom. How could she just leave after yesterday? My heart was beating out of my chest as I searched frantically for Jade. When I entered the kitchen the smell of bacon hit me in the face.

'Whoa, hey there sexy. Why are you running?' Jade said cheekily, stepping back from the bacon in nothing but my t-shirt.

I breathed a sigh of relief and took two giant strides so I was right in front of her. I pulled her flush against me and barried my head in her neck. I breathed in her scent to calm myself.

'Blake, baby. What's wrong?' She pulls away from my embrace.

'Nothing it's okay.' I smile but she narrows her eyes.

'Tell me.' She steps back completely, turning back towards the bacon.

'I-I thought you left.' I rush out. She looks at me, shakes her head and turns back to the stove. 'Jade?'

'No. Not right now. Please just go- take a shower or something. We have a class in an hour then you have practice. So go.' She doesn't look at me and I know she's mad. 'Blake, go.' She says more sternly.

'Jade.. I'm sorry-.'

'Blake, save it.' She finally turns to me. Angry tears fall from her eyes and my heart cracks.


'Go!' She yells slamming her hand down on the stove. When she did that she hit the pan and spilled the hot bacon grease onto her arm. 'Fùck!' She clutched her arm.

'Shit Jade, come over to the sink.' I pulled her there and ran cold water over it. Something my mom taught me when I was 10 and thought it was "cool" to play with fire. I gave her an ice pack and wrapped her arm up in bandages. 'It's not too bad, I think you'll be okay.'

She only nods and heads to the bedroom. I follow her like a sad puppy waiting for her forgiveness. She sits down on the bed, letting her hands fall in her lap. She sniffles as tears stream down her face. And I'm pretty sure these tears aren't from the burn.

I walk to her and kneal on the ground in front of her. 'Jade..'

She looks up at me as a tear falls from her lashes. 'I'm not going to leave Blake.' She whispers. 'I won't ditch you, like you think I will. Un-unless you decide you don't want to be with me. That's the only time I will leave, after I'm not wanted.'

'Baby, you will always be wanted with me. I-I just got scared when I woke up and you weren't there.' I cupped her face, wiping her tears. 'I love you so much Jade. Don't ever doubt that.'

She nods and kisses my lips softly. 'I'm sorry the bacon's ruined.'

'That's okay, we can go out.'

She grins. 'Okay!' She hops up and runs to the shower, stripping my shirt off of her on the way. 'You coming?' She winks at me.

I nod eagerly and follow her in. She slides off my sweatpants and turns on the shower. She steps in and I follow her. She starts washing her hair and I put body soap on my hands. I palm her breast as I "wash" her. 'Blake..' She moans when I trail my hands to her core. I pull her closer to me and kiss her passionately. I slip my tongue into her mouth and squeeze her butt.

'Jade.. I need to be inside of you.'

She smirks and kisses my neck, down my chest before dropping to her knees. 'Is being inside of my mouth sound okay?'

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