26. News

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As soon as the door shuts behind Blake and Marcus I dart to the bathroom and spill my guts into the toilet.

I was never this sick with Marcus.

Yes, I'm pregnant. Four months to be exact.

I though I had the stomach flu about two and a half months ago so I went to the doctor but he told me I was pregnant instead. Later I went back and got an ultrasound. Blake and I's little girl is as healthy as she can be.

My phone, in my pocket, started ringing catching my attention. I wiped my face before answering.


'Hi, is this Jade Lawson?' A female voice asked.

'Yes.' I answer confused.

'Good afternoon, my name is Rachel and I'm the interview sports coordinator for the Carolina Panthers.'

My eyes widen. I applied for an athletic trainer there about eight months ago and had an interview six months ago. This is the first I'm hearing from them so I gave up before. 'Oh wow.'

'I was just calling to offer you the position of head athletic trainer.' She went on explaining my duties and the salary along with the long hours and my benefits. 'You don't have to answer now, but we have other candidates. You're just the most talented one, but we need to know by tomorrow afternoon.'

'Okay sounds good. I'll call you tomorrow.'

'Awesome! Have a nice rest of your day Jade.'

'You too Rachel, bye.'


I new exactly what I needed to do.


Marcus and Blake got back around two o'clock.

'Hi mommy! Daddy took me to the aquarium where we saw dolphins and sharks! Daddy didn't want me to hurt my leg walking around so he got me an electric chair!'

I looked up at Blake confused. 'An electric chair?'

'It was a motorized scooter.' He corrected.

I nodded and listened to Marcus ramble on about all the animals.

'Marcus baby, why don't you go take a nap before dinner?' I suggested.

'Okay.' He sighed, 'I am tired from all that looking.'

Blake laughed and hoisted him up on his hip. 'I'll put him in bed.'

Ten minutes later Blake was entering the kitchen where I was sitting, biting my nails nervously.

'Don't bite you nails Jade.' He said as he sat across from me.

I smiled sheepishly and laid my hands flat on the table. 'I have to tell you something.'

He frowned. 'Okay. Tell me what?'

'Well technically it's two somethings.'

Blake sighed. 'Just tell me Jade.'

'I got a call about a new job today.'

Blake's eyebrows scrunched in confusion. 'But you love your job..'

'I love what I do, and I love working with Gordon but he's retiring next year so he and Chloe can start having kids.'

'That's nice.' Blake said.

I took a deep breath. 'The job is for an athletic trainer in Carolina.'

He blinked and his lips parted. 'With the Panthers?'

I nodded, 'With you.'

'So you're staying in Carolina?'

I nodded, 'I have to call back and accept the job by tomorrow. But I wanted to make sure you were okay with it. I can get my own place and we'll find a babysitter or I'll move my mom out here.'

'If you're staying in this state, I want my son living with me all the time.' Blake said.

'But,' He cut me off.

'Marry me.' He shocked me and I felt a little lightheaded.


Blake chuckled and got down on one knee in front of me. 'This is what was holding us apart. If you live here, we'll work on things. I want to be with you forever Jade.' He added, 'So Marry Me, damn it.'

Tears slipped from my eyes and my hands covered his. 'You need to know something else first before you ask me that.'

He frowned again. 'Okay.'

'I'm pregnant.' I blurted, ripping the bandaid off.

'What?' He whispered. 'Pregnant? We haven't had sex in over four months.'

I wiped my cheeks. 'I'm four months pregnant and it's a girl, Blake. I know you never signed up for one kid let alone two so-'

His lips smashed onto mine and he cupped both of my cheeks. 'Marry me Jade Lawson.'

'Yes, I'll marry you Blake Rivers.'


Two months later.

'Why are you painting this room pink daddy?' Marcus asked when he snuck into the room before I could stop him.

'Because mommy told me too.'

Marcus, being the curious little boy he is, poked me in the arm. 'You don't like pink. And this is your office.'

'Hello to my boys.' Jade said as she walked into the room carrying decorations. Jade is six months pregnant now so she has a cute bump that I'm so glad I'm here to see this time.

'Mommy, I need to tell you something, but you can't get mad at me.' Marcus said as he grabbed her hand and sat her on the rocking chair.

'Okay?' She peered down at him with the same curious eyes.

'You're getting fat.' He whispered.

Jade and I's bodies erupted with laughter. 'Buddy, mommy's not getting fat.'

Jade cupped his face. 'Marcus, mommy is pregnant. Do you know what that means?'

He shook his head.

She took his hand and placed it on her swollen belly. 'It means there's a baby growing in my belly. It's going to be your little sister.'

His eyes got wet with tears. 'A sister? Like a baby?'

She nodded and wiped her own tears. 'Yes Marcus like a baby.'

'What's the baby's name mommy?'

Jade looked up at me and smiled, 'Elizabeth Grace Rivers.'

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