22. Meeting

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I stepped away from her like she was on fire.

'Are you saying I have a son?'

She nodded, tears gathering in her eyes.

'But- but we haven't slept together- other than last night- in four years.' I searched her eyes for a trace of a lie.

'Marcus will be four in two months.' She bit her lip, a nervous habit I guess she never grew out of.

'Oh my god.' I raked my fingers through my hair, in utter shock. 'Why didn't you tell me?'

She blinked away her tears, 'You hated me. You left after graduation, which was the day I found out I was pregnant. I looked for you but when I finally found you I got nervous and walked away.'

'How do you even know it's mine?' I spit.

Her eyes narrowed, 'First of all, Marcus is not an "it". Marcus is an adorable, witty, intelligent little boy with whom I love with all my heart. I live and breathe for that boy. He is my whole world.'

I watched her as her eyes lit up with adoration for her son. 'Did you have a paternity test done?'

She sighed, 'Before I decided to tell you, after graduation, I went and had one done.' She pulled out her phone again, 'Look at him Blake.'

She held another picture in front of my face. This one was of just him, holding a football, a huge smile painted on his face.

I pushed the phone out of my face and glared at Jade. 'He looks exactly like I did.'

She smiled, 'I know I have some of your baby pictures.'

I rolled my eyes, 'You should've told me.'

'I know Blake.' She pushed her hair behind her ear and stepped close to me, 'I'm so sorry. But if you want to know Marcus now, then you can.'

'Where does he live?'

'With me, I bought a house last year when he started walking, moved out of Gordon's. Marcus stays with my mom when I'm out of town or this week. When I came to see you, here.'

My eyebrows shot up, 'Gordon knows?'

She nodded. 'I made him swear not to tell you.' Her hand cupped my cheek, 'Don't blame him.'

'I'm not blaming anyone. I'm just upset I missed two years of my son's life.'

'Do you want to try to make up for that?' Her eyes held an abundance of hope.

I searched her eyes, feeling a huge pressure starting in my chest. 'I want to meet him.'

She smiled and pulled me into her arms for a hug. I let her hug me but I didn't return it. She pulled away with a confused look on her face.

'Just because I'm agreeing to meet my son, doesn't mean anything is happening between us.' I felt my exterior harden as I spoke.

'Oh.' She stepped backwards, 'Well alright then.'

'I'm going to go get changed and then maybe we can get all get lunch. You, me and Marcus.' I suggest, changing the subject. Just because I was upset with her doesn't mean I wanted to hurt her in anyway.

She nodded, 'Okay. I'll call my mom and let her know I'm coming to get him.'

'Okay Jade.' I walked by her and to the house to get ready to meet my son.

Holy shit.


'Are you ready?' Jade asked me as she shut off the ignition of her car. 'He's right inside.'

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