24. Phone calls

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One year later.

'Good morning daddy.' Marcus climbed down the stairs at my home in North Carolina.

It was my last game of the regular season. So Marcus is here with me until playoffs start.

Jade is in Texas with her team, Philadelphia, for their last game against Dallas. She has the first flight to North Carolina booked after the game's over.

'Good morning son.' I pick him up even though Jade told me, repeatedly, not to when she dropped him off yesterday. She says he needs to become less dependent on me. He and I have grown so very close in the last year.

I shuffled his hair up and he frowned.

'I'm not a baby dad.'

I smiled at his pouty face. 'I know you're my baby boy.'

He shook his head, despite the smile on his face. 'I'm no baby. I'm five!'

'Don't I know it.' I let him down as he chased after my dog, Diesel.

Diesel was the only thing I could find that tires Marcus out. After the first couple months of me chasing after him for long periods of time, I realized that he was just an untamable ball of energy. Diesel is a sixty pound Doberman with a thick brown fur and black, beady eyes. They run around, swim, and play with the football all day long. By the end of a long day with Diesel, Marcus is ready to pass out beside me in my bed.

My phone ringing sets me back into reality.

A picture of Jade, Marcus and I at the beach over the summer flashed across my phone.

'Hello?' I answered with a smile on my face.

'Good morning handsome, how's my boy today?' Jade's smooth voice had me leaning against the wall for support.

I chuckle. 'I'm doing great-'

She cuts me off, 'I was actually talking about our son.'

I roll my eyes. 'Of course. He's playing with Diesel right now in the back yard.'

'Awesome, tire him out before I arrive.' She laughs through the receiver. 'Now Blake, how's my man doing?'

I groan. I haven't touched her in four months. Other than last week when she flew with Marcus too North Carolina, I picked them up from the airport and we had lunch. The best thing I got was a chaste kiss goodbye when she boarded a second plane back to Philadelphia. 'He's missing you.'

She hums in appreciation. 'Where's Marcus again?'

I peaked out the back window and saw him and Diesel in the sandbox, I built for him.


I hear shuffling and then a zipper.

My breaths become labored. 'Jade?'

'Yes..' She sighs.

'What are you doing?' I open my bathroom and slip in, locking the door.

'I've missed you too Blake. I wish you were here with me, in me.'

'Fuck baby.' I leaned against the sink and glance down at the growing tent in my sweatpants.

'Hmm. I love when you call me baby.' A small whimper escapes her mouth and I realize what she's doing.

'Are you.. touching yourself for me Jade?' Like I already know the answer, my hand slips into my pants and grips my fully hard shaft.

'Oh yes.' She grunts. 'I wish it was your thick fingers fucking me..'

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