Imagine: An Afternoon Walk

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This Imagine was from my DeviantArt account if you're too lazy to go there. XD


You were walking with Zane, you decided to walk with him since his in patrol and to be honest.. You just really can't leave your 'Emo Cinnamon Bun' behind. You were both walking, you have notice that Zane hasn't been himself lately. Aphmau have noticed it too and said that he just must be tired after the A-Con, but that was so last week. You decided to talk to him, this may be the chance you can tell him that you like him. 'Like, like him.'.

"Hey, Zane?" You started.

"Hm?" Zane asked. He looked at you, you know there's something wrong.

"You haven't been yourself lately, Aphmau have took notice of it too. Is.. Is there something wrong?" You asked.

"Nothing's wrong." Zane replied simply.

"Zane.." You said, he sighed and turned away from you.

"Zane." You repeated, but he kept looking at cars passing by.

That's when you finally had it. You grabbed him by the shoulders and turned him to you, making him look at you. You have a faint blush dusted in your cheeks, but you didn't care. But for Zane, he quite noticed it.

"Zane, please. There's something wrong, please just tell me. I can't handle seeing you with sorrow. I can tell there's something wrong from the look of your eyes. Please.. Just tell me." You pleaded and he sighed once more.

He grabbed your hands, holding it gently. He looked down for a minute and he looked at you again.

"I-I love somebody.. But.. She doesn't love me back. I accepted the fact that she's dating somebody, but.." Zane sighed, he let go of your hands and continued walking.

You catch up with him and placed both your hands on his shoulder. He looked at you.

"Zane, I'm sorry. If this girl didn't see your love for her, then she's blind. I may have offended somebody by now, but you know what I mean. There's other girls that will appreciate you, Zane." You said, he removed his mask from his face and then he suddenly kissed you.

Your eyes went wide, but you soon melted into the kiss, your arms wrapping around his neck. His arms around your waist, pulling you closer. Both of you pulled away, blushing.

"I didn't know an 'Afternoon Walk' is the cure to your sadness." You joked and he smiled.

"Half of what you said was right, but really, you were the cure." Zane said and kissed you again.

Your 'Emo Cinnamon Bun' is back.

And all he needed was an 'Afternoon Walk' or.. You.

And now you know.. He was that damn cheesy.


Is this little story good? I'm not that much of an expert writer. X3

(This following Imagine is in one of the chapters of the X Reader, but was changed for the sake of the plot in the X Reader.)

Zane Ro'Meave: (A Zane X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now