Chapter Six: Kneel

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You and Zane have been dating for two months now, nobody knew about this since you and Zane kept it hidden from the others. Also, you and Zane consider movie and cartoon marathons as dates already, well, that's when you two are alone that is.

Both of you were in a marathon again, you were watching it upside down on the couch. Zane told you to sit right to watch the movie properly, but you refused. You were in the middle of the marathon when Zane carried you by the waist and put you on his shoulders.

"Zane!" You exclaimed playfully.

He put you down and knelt on one knee. (No, he's not proposing XD)

"Y/n, I know this may be cliché and you're the only one who have seen this side of me." Zane said and you giggled. He then continued while holding your hands gently, "Y/n, I liked you when I first saw you. Loved you even. So will you, Y/n L/n, be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, Zane. Yes! I'll be honored." You said and he beamed with joy.

He stood up and grabbed something from his back pocket. He put the thing on your neck, it took you a while to realize it was a necklace. It was beautiful, you smiled and hugged him. You both pulled away, you removed the his mask by surprise and kissed him. His arms wrapped around your waist, bringing you closer to him.

"Should they know about this?" You asked, breaking the kiss.

"I don't know, should they?" Zane asked.

"I don't know, should they!?" You asked again.

"Are we playing the twenty questions tag?" Zane asked.

"I don't know, are we?" You asked.

"Sound like it." Zane said and you laughed.


Time Skip~ ^-^
Garroth POV

I was in my phone playing 'Neko Atsume' when my phone rang. It was mommy! (IM CRINGING) She asked me if Zane and Y/n are dating.

"They're not dating, mom. They're just good friends." I said.

Mom then said she saw a selfie of her and Zane on Instagram.

"Mom, you just can't assume things. They're just friends!" I said.

Mom then said she will call Vylad instead, oh no. I stood up from my seat and hurried to Aphmau's house. I knocked on the door like a mad man. Vylad answered.

"Garroth, what are you doing?" Vylad asked, just then, he's phone rang.

"It's mom! Hi, mom! Yeah, yeah.. Mom, Zane and Y/n are just good friends, they aren't dating." Vylad said, then I heard crying on the phone.

"Mom! Don't cry! Me and Garroth will ask if they're dating okay?" Vylad said and hung up. He then said, "C'mon Garroth!"

I nodded and we started speed walking to Zane's house. Vylad then started knocking on the door, in his last knock, the door opened and he accidentally hit Y/n.

"Ow." Y/n said in pain while holding her nose, backing up.

"Y/n! I'm so sorry! Wait, why are you at Zane's house?" Vylad asked.

"I, um.. Live here?" Y/n said and we went wide eyed.

"Why didn't you tell us you live with Zane!?" I asked.

"It's not that important." Y/n said.

"I can't believe Zane is taking the next s-" I said but got cut off.

"Shush Garroth. Now what do you guys need? You seemed tensed." Y/n said.

"Well, do you remember our mom Zianna? Well, our mom asked us if you and Zane are dating. She kinda made assumptions because well.. She saw a picture of you and Zane on Instagram." Vylad said and I nodded.

Your POV

"Er, um.. I'm not the one who shouldn't be telling you guys this, um.. But we are dating. Zane asked me to be his girlfriend last night in our date." I said nervously.

"Mom will totally fan girl over this." Vylad said and Garroth agreed.

"But don't tell the news to the others yet, okay guys? I'm trusting you both." I said and they nodded.



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