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Heya, long time no see! So I was feeling nostalgic and all that after reading my first book, that I didn't realize that I was already reading the rest. This book has been the most succesful one so far which is quite surprising to say the least since everything was happening too fast.

Somehow the books we publish that we don't want to be noticed are the ones that ARE getting noticed.

r e l a t a b l e

I'm kidding, it's probably just me.

So um, I'll be remaking the old chapters just for fun and see how much I've improved compared to the 2016 me. This will also be the separator thing. You know, like old times. <3

See you and bye lovelies!

(I don't know how many chapters I'll be rewriting though lolz, updates are probably gonna be slow HAHAHA)

((Also publishing the first chapter after I publish this. :>))

Zane Ro'Meave: (A Zane X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now