[III] Nerdy Pick up Lines

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Garroth is such an angel bean, we all need someone like him. ❤


Garroth and I walked, er actually, we ran. He dragged me by the hand with such a rapid pace that I actually tripped over a couple of times, Zane had to shout at him because he literally seen everything that happened before him before he decided to leave. I looked back at him for a moment then turned away to see where his vivacious brother was taking me. Although, it probably looked like he was kidnapping me to other people which I was quite concerned about.

Ha, they're probably jealous because I got a hottie.

I'm kidding obviously.

Zane is the only hottie here.

Garroth opened the door to what I assumed was his house and pulled me inside. He finally released his tight grip on my hand and I had to feel it to make sure it was not broken. Look, Garroth may be all angel looking but this man is strong, like seriously.

"Your house or do you have any roommates like Aphmau?" I asked and Garroth nodded.

What did he nod to, what is right?

He picked up on it fortunately and told me that he had roommates with him. Odd, I really thought that he wouldn't, but I guess it was expected. He did like the company of the people he cared about because he's all soft like that, so having roommates probably eased him lots. He showed me inside and told me to have a seat on the couch, which I complied to.

A bunch of CD's of action movies were scattered on the floor and I swore I saw bits of popcorn as well, "Haha yeah, my roommates, more like friends, had a movie marathon last night. I'm sorry for the mess."

"It's totally fine, Garroth! I understand completely, don't worry haha," I assured him because I totally understand.

All those nights I spent watching anime after anime, catching up on one of the newest and hottest. I couldn't even begin to count how many I've watched with the given hours I received from midnight to the wee hours of the morning.

"You should join us sometimes, (Y/N)! I'm sure my friends would love to have you," Garroth suggested and that actually wasn't such a bad idea.

"I remember you mentioning someone named Laurance, your best friend right? Is he one of your roommates here?" I wondered and he nodded enthusiastically.

"You remembered, I'm quite impressed haha. You're right, we decided to join forces to live life with all the problems that comes with it," Garroth said dramatically with the back of his palm on his forehead as he did a heroic pose.

And I remembered you mentioning that he was the best at English Literature too, he must've rubbed on him.

"So enough about that, how are things with Zane?" Garroth wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at me and my cheeks flamed red.

Garroth sat himself beside me with cups filled with what I assumed was tea. Wow, he drank tea? I took the other cup from him, my face still engulfed with complete embarrassment. Garroth only chuckled at me and sighed, "My, what a beautiful love story."

Zane Ro'Meave: (A Zane X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now