Chapter Seven: Zianna!

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Hey =^.^=


Time Skip~
Your POV

"Ah!" I exclaimed as I fell to the floor. I looked up to see Zane.

"Y/n! Finally, I've been trying to wake you up." Zane said with a sigh.

"What's up, Zane? Is there something wrong?" I asked, sitting up.

He sighed again and said, "My mom's coming for a visit. She somehow heard that were 'together'."

"Hehehe, yeah what kind of idiot will tell your mother that we're together." I said nervously, while scratching the back of my head.

"Y/n, what did you tell her?" Zane asked.

I sighed and said, "Your mother saw a picture of us in Instagram and started making assumptions from there. She asked Garroth and Vylad if we were dating, they said no. Then your mother started crying, both of your brothers panicked and went here and they asked me if we were dating and I said-"

"You said yes." Zane finished. You laughed nervously.

"S-sorry Zane, I should've let you deal with it." I said, he knelt on my level and kissed my forehead.

"It's fine, you're in this relationship too. I'm not the only one with rights here, you do too. Well, if you want me to be in charge~" Zane cooed.

You looked at him, you punched him lightly on the shoulder and said, "Shut up, Emo Nugget. Anyways, when's your mother arriving?"

"Erm.. She's arriving at.. Well, she's here. Right now. Waiting for us." Zane said, standing up.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier!?" I asked and rushed to the shower.

"Because you looked cute when you sleep." Zane said. You rolled your eyes and smiled.

You showered and dressed quickly. You went downstairs and saw the Ro'Meave's mom. She smiled at you and hugged you.

"Oh Y/n, you've grown so much since I last saw you!" Zianna exclaimed happily.

"Heh, you look much prettier since I last saw you too Zianna." I said and Zianna pulled away from the hug.

"Stop flattering me Y/n! Now, I have a whole day planned out for you two! Come on!" Zianna said and pulled both of you out of the house.


(This is a scene of both of your day with Zianna, sorry if this is short.)

"Y/n! Come!" Zianna called and you went to her.

When you saw her, she was holding a F/c short high dress. Your eyes went wide, you don't wear dresses, you only wear them in necessary occasions.

"C'mon Y/n! Try this, me and your mom use to do this!" Zianna said, she pushed you in a change room with the dress.

This is gonna be a long day indeed..

Time Skip~ ^u^

Me and Zane were walking home from the dinner that Zianna insisted us both in. She also take a photo of us since Garte didn't believed that me and Zane were together. You were still wearing the short high dress that Zianna bought you.

"Ah!" I exclaimed surprisingly. Zane grabbed your bum.

I looked at him and he was chuckling. I shot him a death glare, then he started speed walking leaving me behind.

"Zane you perv, I'll end you!" I threatened, you started chasing him as he started running.



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