Chapter Nine: An Eventful Day

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Hi! Sorry for not updating. ^-^


Three years later~

You and the girls went shopping at the mall, as much as you don't like crowded places like the mall, it will be rude to decline their offer. You were not the type of girl who likes to go to the mall, or even go shopping. Basically, if you go to the mall, the only things you buy are food, anime or anything band related. That's who you are, though, food is what you like the most.

That's why you should always bring a knife with you, you never know if there's a cake just lying on a table waiting to be eaten.

You and the girls were now buying clothes and they're taking so much time! You and Katelyn were waiting for the girls to be done, since Katelyn is you know, being Katelyn.

"Hurry up, me and Y/n are starving!" Katelyn said angrily.

She was right, you were hungry, and you know what happens when Katelyn gets hungry. When the girls were done, both you and Katelyn sighed in relief. All of you we to the food court, you all ordered your food individually and started finding seats.

"Right there!" Aphmau said, pointing to the empty table.

You all went there and sat down. You and Katelyn were digging in your food like there's no tomorrow.

"Are we really that long?" Cadenza asked.

"Yeah, two hours and forty-six minutes to be exact." Katelyn said. The girls looked at you and you nodded.

"Hey Y/n, I thought you didn't like crowded places?" Aphmau asked.

"Yeah, but I can't decline the offer, it would really be rude. Plus, this is my first time hanging out with you girls at the mall. It's really lovely to be hanging out with you girls." You said and they all smiled.

Time Skip~ ^3^

You and the girls ended your day and all of you were outside at the mall, waiting for all of the cars to pass. Once there were no cars at sight, Aphmau was the first to walk at the pedestrian lane. A fast car suddenly went to the road, you grabbed Aphmau's arm, pushing her to the girls, the car hit you and you were sent flying, your head was bleeding and every part of your body hurts. You laid at the road, unconcious.

Aphmau POV

Time went by so fast, I didn't even get to react. Y/n, took the hit for me. She went for it, Zane was right, Y/n was really did care for everyone, wether it's a stranger or a friend.

"Y/n!" The girls exclaimed, we all went to her side and saw her head bleeding. She has cuts in her arms and legs, I started to cry.

Katelyn started drawing circles at my back, trying to calm me down. Kawaii~Chan's ears dropped when she saw Y/n laying down unconcious at the road, she was silently crying. In the last three months, her and Y/n have been close, same with Laurance. All of us cared deeply for Y/n, but Kawaii~Chan, Laurance and Zane were the ones who cared really deeply for her. Oh no, Zane..

I heard the ambulance's sirens come nearer, once the ambulance pulled in, they put Y/n on a stretcher, putting a cloth on her forehead. Me and Kawaii~Chan went in the ambulance, while Katelyn and Cadenza stayed behind to take care of everything.

"Y/n~Sama, please don't die on us." Kawaii~Chan said sadly, looking at Y/n.

Y/n was fighting for her life, I wish she wins.

End of her POV~
Going back to Katelyn and Cadenza~

"Cadenza, you get the boys! I'll get Zane!" Katelyn ordered and Cadenza nodded. Both girls separating.

Katelyn went to Zane's house and started knocking like a mad man. The door opened suddenly, making Katelyn hit Zane on the forehead.

"Ah! Katelyn, what was that for!?" Zane exclaimed, holding his forehead.

"No time to explain Zane! Y/n's at the hospital and we need to get there now! Aphamu and Kawaii~Chan are already there!" Katelyn explained and Zane's eyes went wide. He was about to run when Katelyn stopped him.

"Gah! Katelyn! I need to go there!" Zane exclaimed.

"Let's go to the others first!" Katelyn said. Zane groaned and just nodded.


Cadenza ran to the boys house, when she got there, she saw the boys leaving. She ran towards them, when the boys looked at her, their happy expression went into concern and worry.

"Cadenza, what's wrong?" Dante asked.

"Y-Y/n-" Cadenza was about to say something, when Laurance cut her off.

"What happened to Y/n!? Did something happen to her!?" Laurance asked.

"There's no time! Y/n's at the hospital and we need to go there now! She got hit by a car!" Cadenza explained.


Katelyn and Cadenza met up again. This time with the boys. Both girls got Lucinda and Aaron as well. All of them came rushing to the hospital. When they got there, they asked Y/n's room number. They went to the hallway where Y/n's room is, when they got there, they saw Kawaii~Chan pacing, crying. While Aphmau was sitting on a chair, crying silently.

Aaron sat beside Aphmau and wrapped his arms around her.

This is quite an eventful day.


I'm sorry X3

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