Chapter One: Moving In

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Your name is Y/n L/n, your parents asked you to move out since your old enough and you thought about it too. As much as you will miss your parents, you really have to move out. You've been asking your friends if you can move in with them, but they already have roommates. You were getting frustrated, you kept looking through your contacts and found one last contact.

Zane Ro'Meave.

You've been friends with Zane since the beggining, though he will hide it from his family and you never knew why. But soon his family found out so they were proud of him. Heh, that's a good memory. You tapped his name and your phone started ringing.

Zane: Hello?

You: Hi Zane!

Zane: Um, hi Y/n. Why'd you call? It's been awhile.

You: Yeah, I know Zane. It's been awhile. Um, I want to ask if I can move in with you?

Zane: Yeah, sure..

You: Wow Zane, I've never expected that answer from you. Are you taking the next st-

Zane: SHUT UP Y/N!

You: Haha! Okay Zane, I'll be there tomorrow?

Zane: Tomorrow already?

You: Hey, don't blame me if my parents keep bugging me to move out! I think they want to do something alone.

Zane: Y/n, no. Just, no.

After he said that, he hung up. But you never knew, your parents might want to do something alone. You sighed and flopped down your bed, you did have a crush on Zane for awhile, you have to admit. Your things are already packed in to three boxes. You really don't have that much stuff, excluding your band posters.


Your dad was driving you to the street where Zane lives, he texted you the address after a good thirty minutes he hung up. You looked through your window, seeing the beautiful houses in the neighborhood. You were in your phone listening to
F/b with your F/c headphones on. The car then stopped, you saw a gray house.

'Good choice in color, Zane.' You sarcastically thought in your mind.

You got off the car, your dad taking the three boxes out of the car and giving it to you.

"Wow, thanks dad." You sarcastically said.

"Your welcome dear!" Your dad replied, you rolled your eyes and smiled. You still love him.

Your dad knocked on the door, the door opened and you saw Zane at the doorway. You started walking towards the two men, you stopped when you're already beside your dad.

"Take care of my daughter Zane and both of you, don't do anything stupid!" Your dad said and you groaned.

"Dad, we're not seven!" You said.

"Of course you are! Now, I gotta go. Bye dear!" Your dad said, walking back to his car. You mentally face palmed.

"He hasn't change has he?" Zane asked. You smiled and giggle.

"He has a point though." You said.

"H-HEY!" Zane exclaimed.

"It was your plan Zane! You said it was a good idea to prank the cops!" You said.

"But we were seven at the time! We weren't thinking the consequences before!" Zane said and you laughed. It was a good memory of both of your childhood, but not for Zane.

Zane took two of the boxes and led you upstairs. He somehow opened the door, you both walked in and you dropped the two boxes. There was already a bed, but it has no duvet. You're so glad you brought one. You both unpacked, you were glad to be in his presence again.

"You still kept this?" You turned around and saw Zane holding the back ribbon he gave you back in high school.

"Heh, yeah I did. Why wouldn't I? Your the only person I considered as a friend." You said with a faint blush dusted on your cheeks. You could also see him blushing, though it's barely noticeable.

You both have unpacked everything, your band posters laying on your bed with the books you bought. You sighed happily and laid on the floor like a starfish. Zane just looked at you and shook his head.

"I'm a damn starfish Zane and you can't change that!" You randomly said.

"Yeah, yeah, just keep being on your imagination land." Zane said and left the room.

You laid there and somehow fell asleep on the floor. Protip.

Zane POV

I was watching TV when I stared hearing soft snores, I rolled my eyes, thinking that Y/n was still on the floor. I turned off the TV and went upstairs. When I got upstairs, Y/n's door was open. I went inside her room and saw her still laying in the floor like a starfish she is. I grabbed the posters and the book and put them on the table beside her window.

"Y/n hasn't changed at all." I said to myself.

I carried her bridal style and put her in bed, putting her duvet over her. I smiled and turned off the lights, closing the door.


You're a damn starfish alright XD

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