[I] Starfish

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Somehow being a grown up means moving out of your parents' house, acquiring the sufficient social skills to get a job, and to pay taxes. What a bummer might I tell you, but I'm sure that moving out is not the only thing that will bum us out about adulthood. My parents were huge joy killers and it's not even about how I'm finally gonna be non existent in this house, it's about me watching an episode of this anime that I was in the middle of before I was rudely interrupted by my very dear parents.

Not at all surprising there, of course THAT is what's going to bum me out and kill my mood.

But hey, I understand! They probably needed to do grown up stuff and me not being around the house doing who knows what will help them a whole lot. They're probably going to play intense Mario Kart without me.

Yep, that's what they'll be doing, as I try to convince my own foolish mind.

But if you're going to be really aware of the current situation I, you, or we readers have, we're broke! Ha, ha, ha! Of course we are, what, do you expect us to have lots of money here in this non existent world? Well joke's on you because in any other world, we'll all still be broke.

I went through my contacts and realized I was really void of any people to reach out to, except for one:

Zane Ro'Meave.

You see, this dork and I go way back. Starting from when we were little babies to the day we graduated college, we stuck to eachother like glue. Well, up until he somehow got a job, that little snitch, and left me here in our village where I stayed with my parents! We still talked, yes, but not as often as before. To be completely honest, I really missed him and his stupid, annoying smirk.

I wonder if he misses this ugly face? Maybe I should send him a picture with just that message. Like, "Ya miss this Goddess like creature?"

Before I knew it, my finger hovered over the call button and then I was putting my phone to my ear.

> (Y/N)...?

< Zane! How are you?

> What an awkward question, is that really how you start conversations?

< How is that an awkward question? Don't  people ask that when they haven't seen or talked to a friend lately?

> First of all, it's like you haven't left your own room for a millenium because who the hell asks that?
> Second of all, you starting with a "How are you?" is really putting me off for some reason.

< Oh shut up, you're only saying that   because you missed me. Didn't you Zuzu?

> Please don't call me by that nickname, it's already embarrassing enough to hear it from my mom, what more if I hear it from you?

< Ouch! Straight to the heart! You
really haven't changed have you? Um, anyways, I wanted to ask something.

> ...Is there something wrong?

< Is it alright if I moved in with you for the time being..? I mean, you don't have to agree and all! I just need a place to stay until I find another job.

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