Chapter Four: The Boys, The MLH Marathon

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Your POV

"Hey Y/n, have you met the whole neighborhood yet?" Aphmau asked.

"Heh, no actually. I'm an Introvert and I like to minimize myself from people as much as possible." I said.

"Well then, let's meet the whole neighborhood! C'mon, I'll come with you." Aphmau said and I nodded.

Kawaii~Chan left after showing me the picture and saying that she have took a picture of me and Zane kissing. Sure it bothered me, but she's Kawaii~Chan. You can't change her. I was now walking with Aphmau, she has already introduced me to the people in the neighborhood, except for one.

The only house that was left is the house in front of Aphmau. We both walked towards that house and Aphmau knocked on the door.

"Oh, hey Aphmau." A blonde haired guy greeted.

"Hi, Garroth! There's a new girl that just moved in." Aphamu said.

"Wait, Garroth?" I asked.

"Y/n? Y/n!" Garroth said happily before crushing you into a big bear hug.

"Garroth. Can't. Breathe." You said between breathes.

"Sorry Y/n, it's just been a long time." Garroth said.

"You know each other?" Aphmau asked, I looked at her and nodded.

"I'll call my roommates, come in." Garroth said.

You and Aphmau went in the house, getting yourselves comfy on the couch.

"We should really hangout, Y/n! I really need to get to know you better." Aphmau said and I smiled at her.

When she was done talking, a bunch of boys went in the living room. There was dirty blonde haired boy, a white haired boy and a blue haired boy.

'I wonder if that blue guy's hair was dyed or if it's natural. Same with that White haired dude.' I thought.

"Her name is Y/n, she just moved in the street." Garroth.

"Hey Y/n~ Are you from heaven? Because you look like an angel." The white haired guy said and you chuckled.

"You gotta to do better than that." I said.

"Hi Y/n, sorry about my friend there, he's just a huge flirt. My name's Laurance." Laurance said.

"And my name's Dante. So, when did you move in the street?" Dante asked.

"J-just two days ago." I answered. You then whispered something to Aphamu, "Hey Aph, can we go now? That question wasn't meant to be rude if you think it is."

"Of course. Hey guys, we're leaving now." Aphmau said.

"It was nice to meet you guys." I said.

Time Skip~ :3

You were now walking home, you were really tired of meeting everyone in the neighborhood. You opened the door quietly and saw Zane watching.. My Little Horsies? You coughed and he turned around. He turned bright red and turned off the TV.

"Y-you weren't suppose to see that!" Zane exclaimed and you laughed.

"Zane, really, it's fine. I watch it too even though I don't want to admit it. Now c'mon, let's have a pony marathon! Season one to Season six!" You said happily.

(Sorry if you're not a MLP fan ;-;)

You turned on the TV again and both of you watched MLP S1 to S6. Sometimes, while both of you are in the middle of the episode, Zane will look at you and just admire you.

"Shall we consider this a date, Y/n?" Zane asked. You looked at him and you nodded.

Zane POV

We were already at the episode were Twilight's being crowned as princess. The episode was already ending, when I heard soft snores. I looked at
Y/n and saw her sleeping, her head on my shoulder. I turned off the TV, I wrapped the blankets around us and wrapped my arms around her.

I kissed her forehead and said, "Goodnight."



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