Chapter Five: The Shipping Shrine

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You woke up, the birds chirping waking you up. You tried to move, but you were wrapped in someone's arms. You looked up to see Zane sleeping with you in his arms, you smiled.

"Zane." You called. He's still not awake. You tried again while poking him, "Zane."

He stirred, he opened his eyes and groaned. You chuckled, you looked at him and greeted, "Morning Zane."

"Morning Y/n." He greeted back.

"Can you take your arms back?" You asked.

"Oh, um.. Sorry." Zane said and unwrapped his arms.

"Heh, it's okay Zane. Now I want pancakes!" You said happily.

"You're gonna make me do them, aren't you?" Zane said.

"Yup, now move royal peasant! I need them pancakes now!" You said, jumping on his back.

"I can't make pancakes if you're at my back, am I right?" Zane said and dropped you on the floor.

"Zane!" You whined. You swore you heard him chuckle.

You stood up from the floor and punched him in the shoulder lightly. You sat on the counter, waiting for him to finish the pancakes. You sang a song quietly, Zane must've heard you because he complimented you.

"You have a nice singing voice, you should sing more often." Zane complimented and you blushed.

He gave you a plate of pancakes and you thanked him happily. He sat on the couch and you stayed in the counter. You were too lazy to move your butt to sit next to Zane, even though you really want to. While you were both eating, your phone vibrated. You groaned at how far it is.

"Catch." Zane said. He tossed your phone to you and you caught it.

"Thanks, Zane." You said.

Stranger: Hi Y/n!

You: Who's this?

Stranger: It's me, Aphmau!

You: How'd you get my number?

Stranger: Don't ask. Let's just say I have ninja skills.

You: Okay.. Wait a minute.

After you texted her that, you changed her name to Aphmau. You don't want her to be named Stranger now do you?

You: Back. Why did you text me early in the morning?

Aphmau: I want you to hang out with me and the girls!

You: Hangout? With you girls?

Aphmau: Yes! You don't mind do you?

You: Oh, um, no. I don't mind at all! What time?

Aphmau: Come around 10 AM. I'll see you later, yeah?

You: Of course.

You put down your phone next to you and you could see Zane staring at you. You asked, "What's up Zane?"

"Who was it?" He asked.

"It was Aphmau, she wanted me to hang out with her later." You said and he nodded.

You both continued eating. When you were both done, you said goodbye to Zane as he was leaving for work. You then remembered that you still haven't found a job, you decided to ask Aphmau when you go to her place. You put the two dishes in the sink and washed them. You checked the time.

9:42 AM

You went upstairs and took shower, you then dressed to your clothes. You grabbed your phone and put in your back pocket. You went outside, locking the door. Don't worry, you have your keys. You went to the girls house.

You got to their house, you knocked on the door and Aphmau answered.

"Hi Y/n! Come in!" She said and let you in.

You hung out with the girls, Katelyn and you really got along. All of you watched Anime till Afternoon, that's when Aphmau asked you if you want a tour since you only saw the living room. You said yes.

Time Skip~

Aphmau has already showed you upstairs, kitchen, backyard and garage. The the only room left is the basement. You both then reach the basement. Out of nowhere, Aphmau started giggling.

"Why are you giggling, Aphmau?" You asked and she shooks her head.

You opened the basement door and started going downstairs. You wandered around when you saw a shrine, you walked towards it and saw a shipping shrine of you and Zane. You went tomato red. You and Zane weren't even together yet, and you both were planning on dating first. Behind you, Aphmau was laughing her head off.

"Y/n~Sama!" You turned around and saw Kawaii~Chan walking towards you.

"What's a shipping shrine of me and Zane doing here, Kawaii~Chan! We're not even together yet!" You exclaimed, covering your face with your hands.

"Oh c'mon Y/n, you have to admit it's cute." Aph said.

"Even though it's wrong for me to agree, but I agree." You looked up and saw Katelyn with a smirk.

"Kawaii~Chan ships Y/n~Sama and Zane~Kun so much! The kiss made Kawaii~Chan have the feels!" Kawaii~Chan squealed, if it's not possible, you turned even redder, if that's even a word.

In this time of the afternoon, Zane must be in the house now or he might be looking for you. It was almost six.

"Y/n, you have to c-" You saw Zane walking towards you, but he stopped in his mid-sentence. He turned red like you and you already know why.

Oh My Irene, Kawaii~Chan, why do you have to do this?

Time Skip~!

You and Zane were now walking home when you asked him something, "Is that normal f-"

"Yes it is. Last time I saw the shipping shrine, it was Aphmau and Aaron." Zane said.

"They weren't together before the con, right?" You asked.

"Yes." Zane said.

"So that means Aphmau was the one-, nevermind." You said and Zane gave you a smile, even though you can't see it.



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