Chapter Fifteen: Everything's Okay (The Finale! Part Four)

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(Play the song here.)
Your POV

"Ah!" I exclaimed as I fell to the floor. Great, just great. Is 'falling to the floor in the mornings', gonna be a routine now?

"Y/n, it's a special day today!" Aphmau exclaimed.

"What's so special? I think my bed is more special.." I said, slowly drifting off to sleep again.

"IT'S YOUR WEDDING DAY Y/N!" Katelyn exclaimed. I quickly sat up, my eyes widening.

"I-I completely forgot!" I said.

"You forgot your own wedding day? UGH, nevermind. C'mon, we have to get you prepared." Aphmau said and dragged me out of bed and pushed me to a car.

I looked to my left and saw Kawaii~Chan already prepared. Kawaii~Chan looked at me and smiled excitedly. I smiled back. Katelyn got to the driver seat and Aphmau got to the front.

Forgetting my own wedding is a good start to the day, yeah?

End of Your POV
Time Skip~ :>

"You can look at the mirror now, Y/n." Cadenza said.

You looked at the mirror and smiled. You look beautiful, Cadenza really did amazing on the wedding dress. You were about to cry, that's when Aphmau said, "Y/n, don't cry!"

 You were about to cry, that's when Aphmau said, "Y/n, don't cry!"

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"Yeah, you might look like a racoon after that." Katelyn said, her arms crossed.

"Katelyn!" You exclaimed and she laughed.

"Y/n, my baby!" You turned around and saw your mother and you father at the doorway.

"Mom, Dad!" You walked towards them, trying not to trip on the heels you were wearing. You finally got to them and you hugged them tightly, they hugged you back.

"It's just like yesterday when you and Zane pranked the cops, and look at you now, marrying your childhood friend!" Your father exclaimed happily and you chuckled.

"Y/n!" You looked to your right and saw Zianna and Garte.

"Zianna!" She walked towards you and hugged you, you hugged her back.

"If Zane hurts you, I'll knock some sense into him. Don't worry." Garte said and you laughed. He hugged you and you hugged him back.

"Hey beautiful, the wedding starts in five minutes!" Laurance said, from the doorway.

"Okay, I'll be there soon Casanova!" You replied.

"It's time to get into place everyone!" Zianna exclaimed and everybody started leaving the room.

"C'mon Y/n." Your father said, motioning you to hold in him.

You interwined your arm with your father's and went outside.

As the wedding song started to play, you and your father walked on the aisle. When Zane saw you, he was in awe. You were the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. Once you were in front, your father patted Zane's back and went to his seat.

Time Skip~ <3

"May I pronounce you, Husband and Wife. You may now kiss the bride." The priest said.

Zane grabbed both of your hands and pulled you into him, kissing him. Everybody cheered and clapped.

This is it.

This is the end.

You both loved each other very deeply.

It's okay.

Everything is now okay.


"The End." Zane said, closing the book that his wife, Y/n wrote. She wrote a real life story book for Zane to read.

"Daddy?" The young boy asked.

"Yeah?" Zane asked.

"Mommy's in a better place now, right?" The young boy asked.

"She is, if she only didn't leave us that early." Zane said, tears forming in his eyes.

"Daddy, don't cry. Mommy would want you to stay strong right?" The young boy said and Zane nodded.

"Come here." Zane said and opened his arms.

The young boy went to him and hugged him tightly.


Everything's okay.



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