[II] Garroth Ro'Meave

355 13 2

(N/N) = Nickname


The most cliché way of any starting Wattpad fanfiction is waking up because of this clamorous alarm blaring throughout the room, or the sunlight hitting their eyes making them wake up from their perfect and beautiful sleep. Then they rise up from their bed and start the day, putting little to no effort in making themselves look presentable because like I told you, they're perfect.

Maybe I'm just jealous because I could never wake up that way.

I wake up, a blanket placed on my figure and the sunlight thankfully not hitting my very eyes, it was still very early in the morning and no birds were chirping yet. There was also no earsplitting alarm in the gray painted room, only the sound of my own breathing. I sat up and removed the blanket from my body, my feet hitting the cold floor. There were still boxes filled with my stuff over there in the corner, I could actually be productive for once and start unpacking those.

"Hmm.." I wondered, yes, I actually contemplate if I should be productive or not.

Wait, how did I get on the bed. Last time I checked I was on the floor and sleeping like a starfish.

"Zane carried me to bed!?" I blurted out rather loudly causing me to cover my mouth with both of my hands, surprised at my own action.

I breathed in and breathed out heavily, trying to calm myself down at the fact that Zane. Zane Ro'Meave, carried me to bed. I let out another breathe, my cheeks are probably super red right now! I could practically feel them heating up! I rushed to the bathroom, because there was a bathroom inside this room thankfully, and looked at myself in the mirror.

Yep, I'm certainly stealing Aphmau's title of having a tomato face.

"Alright (Y/N), calm down. It was just Zane! The same Zane Ro'Meave you grew up with your entire life, that I totally am not adoring at this point in time," I say to myself, or rather, lie.

I went out of the bathroom and decided to be productive, I ain't gonna live here for free. I need to get a job to help Zane pay the bills because I won't certainly just sit here and watch him do that. He's already offering me to stay here and that's a lot already. I'm sure if I put a lot of effort into finding a job, I'm sure I'd land something.

I started heading downstairs, not before I took a quick shower. Halfway on reaching the bottom, I saw Zane wearing a red and yellow uniform. That must be his clothes to work. He looked at me and then asked, "Do you think you can get my mask from my room? I left it."

Wait a minute, no way. He doesn't have a mask on! Oh my Irene, he should do this more often.

I think he caught up with what I was thinking because the next thing I knew, he smirked at me, his eyes having this mischiveous glint in them before saying, "You shouldn't get too caught up (N/N), you might trip over. Wouldn't want yourself to fall for someone like me right?"

I scoffed at him, my face turning red without my consent, "Oh don't flatter yourself!"

I proceeded to do what I was told. I gave him his mask and he thanked me quietly before putting it on. It's kind of sad that he doesn't show half of his face, you wouldn't be able to see his freckles nor his eye catching smile whenever he finds something amusing. Though, you can tell if he's smiling if you take the time to notice how his eyes crinkle ever so slightly, glistening with pure joy.

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