Chapter Fourteen: Planning (The Finale! Part Three)

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Yay, responsibility! (Note the sarcasm.)


Your POV

"Y/n~Sama, it's time to wake up!"

I groaned and buried my face deeper to my pillow. Then suddenly, I felt somebody pull me out of bed, making me fall to the cold wooden floor. I laid there, just like a starfish.

"Y/n~Sama, you and Zane~Kun is gonna plan the wedding today. You can't miss this!" Kawaii~Chan exclaimed, while dragging me to my closet.

"Five more minutes, the sun doesn't want me in it's light. They said my appearance will burn their eyes." I said and then sighed.


I went downstairs, Kawaii~Chan happily following behind. I saw Zane waiting at the doorway. I raised an eyebrow and asked, "You aren't tired?"

"No." Zane said.

Kawaii~Chan handed me the list of things me and Zane have to plan earlier. I looked at the list and saw the first thing we have to do today.

Cupcake tasting.

You laughed and looked at Zane. He looked at you, he blushed in embarrassment and looked away, he's blush fading away. Kawaii~Chan went back to her and the girls house and went back here, a tray of cupcakes on her hands. Kawaii~Chan was responsible in making the cupcakes and the wedding cake, so she baked cupcakes that has different flavors.

"You and Zane~Kun don't have to go outside for cupcake tasting, you can do the cupcake tasting here inside the house." Kawaii~Chan said and placed the tray with cupcakes on the coffee table.

You and Zane sat on the couch and started.

Time Skip~ ^3^

"Ugh, I can't believe the cupcake tasting is hard. I feel like I need to go the bathroom." I said, placing the cupcake back go it's tray.

"I can do this everyday." Zane said.

I chuckled at what Zane said, of course he can do this everyday. It's his favorite dessert for Irene's sake!


"Cadenza! Too tight!" I exclaimed. Cadenza was making my wedding dress and Zane's wedding outfit, but I have to go first.

"Oops! Sorry Y/n, I'm just so excited for the wedding!" Cadenza exclaimed happily and made the tie loose a little.

"The wedding is due in five months." I said.

"I know, that's why I'm excited! You can look at the mirror now Y/n." Cadenza said and I nodded.

I looked at mirror, and I must say, I look stunning. The dress was beautiful and every detail in it was amazing.

"Cadenza, this is beautiful." I complimented.

"Aw, thanks Y/n! Now remove the dress, it's time for Zane. ZANE, GET YOUR BUTT IN HERE." Cadenza said.

I went to the bathroom and changed into my casual clothes. A jumper and skinny jeans. I gave Cadenza the dress, just in time, as Zane walked in the living room. Cadenza started measuring Zane, while I watch them.

"You know Zane, a wedding dress will suit you better than the original wedding outfit." I said.



"Who's your best man, Zane?" I asked, we were walking back home, hand in hand, while night falls.

"I asked Laurance to be the best man, earlier. He said yes. How about you? Who's your maid of honor?" Zane asked.

"It's.. Wait, I forgot to ask Kawaii~Chan to be my maid of honor! Oh no!" I said, panicking.

"There's still five months love, it's not like the wedding's tomorrow." Zane said.


I turned around and saw Kawaii~Chan running towards me, holding my phone!? Kawaii~Chan handed me the phone and said, "You left it, Kawaii~Chan's so glad to see you while she was walking back to Kawaii~Chan's and the girls house."

"Thanks Kawaii~Chan, I actually have to ask you something." I said.

"What is it Y/n~Sama?" Kawaii~Chan asked.

"Would you be my maid of honor?" I asked and she nodded happily.

She hugged me tightly and exclaimed happily, "YES, KAWAII~CHAN WILL BE SO HAPPY TO BE YOUR MAID OF HONOR!"


we're so close to the ending! ;u;

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