A Little Surprise

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A/N So I know this chapter is short. But, I told you it would pick up. I was even surprised by the end of this. Please vote/ comment/ share!!

Time flew by in the castle and it was now Thanksgiving. Hopefully it would be more exciting than Halloween.

We didn’t even dress up for Halloween and no amount of convincing could get David to let all of us go out and get some damn candy. I would’ve thought that he would be accepted as a beast from the night dedicated to crazy things. Apparently he thought so too until he tried it. Let’s just leave it at that.

 I thought I was slowly going mad in this place. David wouldn’t even let me go outside! I was so pissed at him that I shunned him for two and half weeks straight until he broke. He let me go in the gardens and stuff, but I really craved for the woods.

I still didn’t know the details of his curse though. At first I wanted him to tell me as a sign of trust, but my patience is dying and my curiosity is rising. But I've noticed that he’d turn himself into a beast when he got bored and try everyday things with paws. I guess that’s why he was that way back when I first met him in the library.

My nightmares weren’t as bad and I didn’t have to worry about them as much. Sometimes at breakfast David would tell me how he caught me sleepwalking in the halls. I laughed every time. Ironically my panic attacks dwindled down and I was relaxed. But being too relaxed led to a lot of boredom.

By now I was able to navigate my way through the place without getting lost. Ever since my second night here, I’ve become friends with Josh and David. Josh would try to keep David’s anger in check but we’d always bicker about something. I would get bored and start a random fight with him. Thankfully, David caught the hint and fought back. We had a good system going on. 

But sometimes, David would disappear for a couple days and would come back in irregular patterns. I didn’t think much of it until he came back today with a large cut on his leg and bruising on his arm. Earlier he said he had a surprise for me and told me to wait in his study. I couldn’t help but go downstairs and maybe get a glimpse of what he had in mind. But that's when I saw how beat up he looked. He limped to the kitchen without noticing my presence and I quickly caught up with him.

“What the hell happened to you?!”

He jumped and winced.

“Just give me a sec.”

He took a wet paper towel and started wiping the blood away. I knew that it wouldn’t help. He needed to disinfect it.

“Hold up, that’s not how you’re supposed to do it. Go sit by the fireplace I’ll be right there.”

“I can do it myself.”

He continued wiping himself.

“Get your stubborn ass onto the couch. You’re going to get an infection with what you're doing.”

He growled but obeyed.

As David and I became better friends, I learned that he would listen to me if I got tough with him. It was like dealing with a five year old!

I walked into the living room with all kinds of medical supplies because I didn’t know how deep his cut was. I just hoped he didn’t need stitches.

Thankfullym he was lying down on the couch when I entered. I took his chin and observed his face in all angles. It wasn't hard to notice his bloody lip and swollen eye. His pants were covered in -new and dried- blood and dirt. I was in full doctor mode, now that I saw how bad he looked. I knew what I had to do.

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