More In The Woods Than Snow

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A/N So I wrote this chapter in David's POV! Had a lot of fun writing it and I'd like to write in it for future chapters! I tried making this long, hense the extended wait on the update. Sorry about that. Well I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Please vote/comment/fan/share

David's POV :) :) :)

Throughout the day I've been thinking about two things non stop. 1. Would she like the present? 2. Is she going to ask to go home? It's been pretty nerve-wrecking thinking about this. I don't want her to go. It's been so long since I've felt this safe with someone other than Josh. But with her it feels...Different. In a good way of course. She probably doesn't even think about this!

When I gave her the present, I was pretty nervous. I probably looked really stupid, but the smile on her face was worth it. I just hoped it was a genuine smile. Hopefully she didn't fake it just to spare my feelings.

I was deep in thought, but I played it off as fiddling with my new sneakers. When she handed me my present, I didn't expect her to give me something so amazing. The painting was beautiful in every aspect. I internally kicked myself for not getting her something as personal. But, it looked like she was as insecure about the gift as I about mine. I found a little comfort there at least.

As the day passed, I knew something wasn't right. She seemed melancholy for some reason.

"I just want to know how my family is doing. We've always been together on Christmas."

I felt so stupid for even questioning the reason. I should've known she'd want to talk to her family. Minor panic rose within me as I heard the one-sided conversation. I heard very little of the other line, but what I did hear made me internally cringe. I heard her little brother asking her to come home. I felt like a total monster at that moment. I was surprised by her response. It sounded like she wanted to be here.

Don't trick yourself like that. She's here because she has to be.

But, why does she act so nice to me? Why does she act like she cares? Am I even good enough for her? Do I even deserve her?

I asked myself continuous questions until Giovanna -thankfully- interrupted them. I noticed how she was holding the phone. She looked scared. But, strangely happy. I don't know how to explain it.

"Thanks for letting me use the phone. It felt so nice hearing their voices again. At least I know now that they're okay."

"I'm glad to hear that."

She took a deep breath and handed me the phone.

I wanted to get rid of the uneasy mood. She of all people deserves an enjoyable Christmas. "C'mon, let's do something fun. Do you want to go into the woods?"

She looked surprised and then hesitated before saying, "Not if I get shot again."

I couldn't tell if she was being serious or joking. Probably serious, considering she's still healing from the last time.

"It's usually rare that the pasts repeats itself."

"Maybe not to the detail, but history is usually recycled."

"Does that mean you want to go?"

"Sure, let me just put on my boots and a jacket. You should wear something warm too. You know, if you're not going to go all beast."

"Alright. I'll meet you outside by the front door."


I watched her run to her room while I went to get my coat. But when I walked outside, my skin pricked. I sensed I was being watched which put me on high alert. I quickly felt my teeth sharpen and my claws come out.

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