Chapter 13

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Next morning, when John woke up, Luke was already dressed and prepared to go downstairs to prepare them breakfast.

"Good morning sunshine!!" Luke teased. John rolled his eyes at him.

"Don't ever call me that.... Hey where are you going?" He asked looking at the time.

"I'm going to prepare us breakfast. We have to be at the fields in thirty minutes." Luke told him, walking to the door.

"I thought that we could skip today the training and continue in our honeymoon..." John said, getting out of bed.

"I would love to do that, but we have a lot of work to do. I heard the trainer is really rigorous about missing his class, so I think is better if we both show up..."

"But you are the trainer..." John rubbed his head still feeling a bit sleepy.

"Exactly... I need to give the example and you should too. During class, you are still my student..."

"Ok. I will take a quick shower and I will meet you in the kitchen."

Luke kept preparing all he could remember that John liked. He made sure to do a lot of food, since the mansion had too mouths to feed and his friends weren't the kind of men to say no to any type of food.

The moment his friends and respective mates entered the kitchen, all eyes turned to him.

"John marked you?!?" Mark said whistling.

"Good job, man!!" Kyle said, sitting on the table.

"Yeah... We had a great night..." Luke said, blushing slightly.

"We all heard that..." Mark joked.

Luke almost let the pancakes fall.

"What?? I thought the walls were soundproof!!" Luke exclaimed, turning to look at them.

"Relax Luke.... Marc is just messing with you..." Callie reassured him, while laughing.

Luke waited for his heart stop racing frenetically before placing the pancakes on the table.

"You don't deserve this!" He told Marc, his face serious.

"Oh come on, man!!!" Marc protested. All of them laughed at his sad expression.

John entered the kitchen and they looked at his exposed neck.

"Congrats!" Kyle said, walking to him and placing his hand on his shoulder.

John looked at Luke, smiling.

The newly couple had breakfast with the rest of the family at the mansion. When they went to the fields, all eyes turned to them, but no one dared to speak.

The only people that demonstrated their support, was Mike and Jake.

Luke supervised the training like he used to do, showing that even when John was his mate, he wouldn't become soft with him or anyone.

At the end of the day, all were tired. John decided to go to the compound and take a shower there. He took the opportunity to pack his things. Now that all pack knew, he could go live with his mate without secrets. He saw no reason to deny his wolf wish.

He was about to close the door of his room, when Barbara, the nurse that worked at the compound, walked by him.

"Hey John... Oh my... You are bonded?" She asked, her eyes scanning the mark on John's neck.

"Yes, since last night." He answered, barely looking at her.

"Who is the lucky girl?" She asked, her voice with a sad tone.

Dark Desire [Complete]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora