JIN. Touch Me.

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Author: Author Lee.


Scenario: Sad, Angst, Sweet.


You debated on whether it was a good choice to hug him from behind or not. You weren't so sure on what to do. You knew Your boyfriend was the type that didn't like skinship. He rarely touched you and when he kissed you, he won't let his lips linger on yours for long. It was frustrating when you are both walking on the side walk and he's not holding your hand and you two are just standing there awkwardly or what about that time his friends invited you over to their place for a party and everyone had started to dance while yourself and Jin sat there looking at The others having a good time. You never asked him what went wrong and why he was so bad with skinship but seeing how bad he was with it,you guessed it to be related to a thing of the past.

And you were going to help him. “Oppa” you cooed as you back hugged Jin who froze but didn't push you away. “I missed you”

“Uhm same here...can you let go of me..?” he said as you sighed. At least it was polite. He turned to face you with a smile patting your head. “How has my favorite girl been?” he asked as you shrugged.

“Lonely without you. When are you coming home?” you mumbled, playing with the button of his shirt. He removed your fingers from his shirt and held them instead. Gosh! He was so uncomfortable. Was this how uncomfortable you made him?

“I don't know. I'm not sure but wait for me okay? I'll be home soon” you nodded when you realized you needed to ask him something. “Oh Oppa—”


You both turned to face the owner of the voice. It was His college course mate and friend. She ran towards him enveloping him in a hug. Your eyes widened at the skinship and you wanted to push her off so badly but You didn't. You were surprised because he hugged her back. Was this a dream? No! You shook your head. He was just trying to be a nice person. That's all.

“Oh..Unni, you're here” she greeted you elatedly. She didn't even know yourself and jin were dating. If she did, maybe she won't have Hugged him that way. You greeted with a small and turned back to your boyfriend. “Call me when you're done”. He nodded and faced Missus No name. “Kaja!” he said and entwined his hands with her while you got shocked again.

This wasn't happening. He just willingly held someone's hand in front of you and he got mad at you for touching him. Was your boyfriend mentally okay?

Watching them skip down the road, you felt a pang of jealousy. Of course you had the right to be jealous. He was your boyfriend after all.


“No sugar”

Ticking the last item on the list. You folded the paper and placed it in your bag before Closing the cupboard. Closing some windows, you picked out your car key and left the house for the supermarket. You arrived at an almost empty supermarket again. Maybe not everyone did there Shopping on Wednesday nights like you did.

You bought the things you wanted and was about to pay when you heard your name being called. You turned around to See A familiar figure standing there. You stared at him, trying to recognize him but failed.

“You never had a good memory in high school, so I don't blame you. Seeing you like this, just shows how much you didn't miss me.” he said smiling at you. You were confused. Who was this stranger? And How did he know you so well?

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