V. Secret Lover.

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Author: Author Lee


Scenario: Random.


“Ugh No! She's going with Me” Jimin stared, pulling you away from Yoongi but the Older wasn't going to give up without a Fight.

“Why don't you go prank Taehyung or Annoy the Maknae?”

Jimin huffed, clinging tightly unto you like you would run away or something if he left you alone. “You should go gossip with Hoseok and Namjoon or better yet, have a date with your bed”

Jin slammed the table hard gaining everyone's attention. Everyone could tell that the older was pissed and what seemed to be the reason? Yoonmin. “This Is the Tenth time this week you two adults have been acting like little kids. Can someone just be the bigger one and Let her go?”


The two chorused causing the others to groan. They expected it anyway. Jin couldn't get rid of you for two reasons; One, you were there personal stylist and Two: you were nice. An additional reason will possibly be that, He loved the hairstyles you chose for him and no way in hell was he going to let someone who made him look good go.

“Fine. There's only one way to settle this" Jin suggested as Jimin released his grip on you.

Yoongi stared at the Jin with Jimin doing the same. “How?"” they both muttered.

“A Battle. Winner takes all”

Yoongi didn't like the idea so much because it involved doing actually work which He didn't like to do. He stole a quick glance at Jimin and groaned internally. He was going to do whatever Jin suggests cause there was no way he was going to lose you to Jimin.

While Jimin wasted no time in agreeing to it. He wanted to get over with it already. Jin smirked while you gulped hard, you didn't want Either of them.

“Uhm..Guys, I—”

“Let's begin. Shall we boys?” You sighed as Jin cut you off. This was definitely going to be a long day.


Yoongi stood with A pile of dirty laundry and Jimin with another pile both divided equally with Jin standing in front of them.

“The First person to Get their own laundry done, gets A point. Remember, all the laundry must be done to get That point”
The two boys nodding before turning to glare at each other.

“Great. Now boys, you have two machines at your disposal. So there are no excuses. So....Start”

Jimin picked up a pile of Clothes from the laundry basket and dashed towards A washing machine dumping the clothes into it while Yoongi was trying to Operate the Machine and recall where the Detergent was supposed to go Into.

The others watched them especially the Maknae line and shook their heads. If only they knew. Namjoon watched Jin who was diligently applying A Face mask to his face.

“You're Enjoying this...aren't you Jin?”

Jin shrugged. “Who wouldn't? Besides they never do anything in house anyway. It's not my fault they are both dumb to realise that They are doing everyone's laundry. Hoseok excused himself to get Yoongi's camera to record the moment. A moment that would go down in history And many generations to come.

“Who do you think's gonna win Anikka?”

You shrugging, observing them both. “Its Jimin obviously”

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