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    I awoke with a chill around my shoulders the next morning. I felt a great unease as my thoughts shifted back to yesterday. Had I really snogged a two hundred year old mummy? I must of, no thanks to that stranger in the ragged cloak. I sat up, my duvet slipping from my bare shoulders. I yawned, stretching. Today was Saturday, a weekend but I would still study. I was on my last term and looking forward to returning to my family home in Wales. But for now, I would remain studious. I dressed in a graphic tee and jeans, slipping on a pair of faded red converse. I tripped out of the dorms and hurried to the library.

  Thankfully the library was half full this morning. I greeted the librarian at the desk before vanishing behind the shelves to the study area behind them. I laid my books out on the table and got to work. An hour later, my mobile beeped a cheery tune of Doctor Who. I sighed, set down the book and flicked open the message on it. The message was a slightly creepy, cryptic one, it read,

  "I know what you did. Meet me outside the library as soon as you can."

    It was probably one of my daft friends wanting me to go out to coffee with them. Well, alright, I'll join you. I stuffed my books into the worn leather satchel and stood. I pushed the chair back into postion and wandered back to the entrance. 

   "Going out, Mr. James? If so, have a lovely time, you deserve it." The Librarian smiled.

   I mumbled a goodbye and stepped into a downfall outside. As I stood on the steps, I looked left and right for my friends. All I saw was a sturdy old man in a trench coat leaning against a battered jeep. He looked up at me and beckoned me closer. I obliged and jogged over.

  "Get in. We have much to talk about." He brusquely told me.

   "Who are you?" I asked, slightly shocked.

     He said nothing, so I entered the passenger side. He followed suite, sliding into the drivers seat. He started the vehicle and drove off into the downpour. We sat in silence until he reached a stately estate at the edge of London. He parked the jeep,

   "Follow me. You'll need to hear this, boy." He growled.

     Once again, I had no answer to this strange occurance. I trailed him indoors to the sitting room. He had me sit,

   "Tea?" He asked.

  "Yes." I drew out the word, slowly.

  He nodded to the maid beside him. She smiled and vanished into the recesses of the house. The estate was decorated lavishly in the style of the late eighteen hundreds. A roaring fire in the back of the room warded off the chill that was creeping in. I suppressed a shiver and leant forward eager to hear what the man had to say.

   "You are Mason James. I knew your father, God rest his soul. My name is Arthur Thomas."

      I suddenly had a flash back to my fathers funeral when I was seven. My father had died overseas in a god blasted war. He was honoured as a hero for saving the lives of his comrades by sacrificing his own. He left my mother and I alone, I hated him for doing that. I shook away my fractured thoughts and turned to the matter at hand.

    "Now, you did something unforgivable. You remember the mummy that was found?"

   I nodded, dreading what was coming next.

       "She is my aunt, several greats added. Mason, you awoke her last night. By doing that, you have awoken all vampires across the British isles." He told me, matter of factly.

           "What!?" I screeched.

   "Please don't scream. Monsters are true nightmares to take down once and I prefer not to murder them again." He sighed.

   The tea came in and Mr. Thomas poured a cup. He calmly took a sip and pointed to a potrait hanging above the fireplace. It showed a girl and her mother I assumed.

    "That is Snow White and her stepmother. I had that dug out of the attic as soon as I inherited this place. It's quite remarkable to have a vampire in the family. Mason, I'd like your assistance..."

    I cut him off,

   "No! No freaking way am I helping you! Find somebody else!"

    Then I barreled out of there, into the freezing rain. I took off running helter skelter down the street. I stopped to take a breath in front of an alley way when I thought I heard a giggle. Next thing I knew, I had been dragged down the alley by someone with inhuman strength. I was shoved against a wall and a young woman straddled me.

   "Hmm," I felt her cold fingers pressed against my heart.

    "Good steady heartbeat, albeit fast," She mused.

   I struggled but she held me fast by the shoulders.

     "Strong body too."

   Her scarlet gaze flicked to to my face. I had a startling revelation, this was the mummy under the glass! I nearly fainted.

     "Beautiful ebony skin," She giggled once more, "Quite a perplexed expression. Quit struggling, I only want to taste you."

    I felt the flick of her tongue against my throat.

    "Delectable." She purred.

       I heard the whisper of something shoot down in her mouth and then all I felt was pain. I felt the teasing pull and suck as she drank my blood. It was a little erotic to say the least. She laughed against my neck,

   "Somebody likes this." The pressure increased.

      I felt darkness overtake me,

   "Oh dear. Did I take too much again? Oh well, I hope somebody finds you." The young woman removed her fangs and leant back.

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