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    Rhys POV 

         Las Vegas, 1988,

       I slammed her into the door behind us. All she had said to me at the club was,

      "Cool contacts."

    I could tell she was desperate and she was also dying from lung cancer. That cancer she did not know about. It was going to kill her on the twenty first of August and it was only July eighth now.  I tasted ash in her mouth as I kissed her. She was a heavy smoker and she was only twenty two. We crashed through her small apartment to the bedroom. I ripped off her clothes and ravished her body. She moaned and writhed but I felt nothing toward her. She a mere mortal who was dying that no one would miss. Her soul leapt up to me, I saw that she had wanted to become a teacher. Those dreams would never be realized. I bit her breast, drawing blood into my mouth. Her fingers clenched the sheets. Then it was time for the soul, I latched my mouth upon hers, drinking until she became limp. Then I left, dressing quietly. 

    I picked up a matchbox and lit a few dropping them onto the sofa and curtains, adding a few cigarettes as well like she had dropped one. The fire leapt and grew, filling the apartment. I'd checked before I'd arrived that no one else was going to be here tonight. I would not have blood that still had a reason to live to be on my hands. I walked steadily away from the fire into the neon lighted night.

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