Souls Equal Mortality

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      A week passed and Elinor had regained her normality although her and Rhys trod on eggshells whenever one of them walked into the room. I strode into the kitchen quite confident. But Selena was there still dressed in her nightgown and of course I lost it once more. Why did my knees go all woozy when she was around me? I mean we'd only shared a single kiss and then Selena was avoiding me again. 

    "Hi." I squeaked.

      Whoa, that did not sound manly at all. I cleared my throat.

           "Good morning, Selena." I tried again.

      "Same to you, Mason." Her tone was gruff.

       "Have I...have I done something to upset you?"

    "Quite the opposite."

     She whipped around and there was fury and a tinge of sadness in her eyes. I could do nothing as she waltzed out of the kitchen. I shook my head and told myself I would try again later. I made some coffee and ate some toast. Now, perhaps Selena had calmed down slightly. I asked Melody where she was,

   "I believe she is in the gardens." 

     I thanked her and tossed on a jacket. Selena was sat on the lip of the dried up fountain in the middle of the rose garden. Their heavy perfume overwhelmed me so walked towards her. She turned her head at my approach on the gravel. I sat down heavily next to her, bracing my hands on my knees.

     "I'd like to take you out for the day, Selena." My voice came out in a rush.

    It was silent except for the twitting of the morning birds. I prayed that she had heard me. 

    "You mean as a date?" She answered.

    "Yes, I mean no, no. Err...." I stuttered.

     Selena laughed lightly beside me. My insides twisted nervously. Was I blushing? I think I was blushing.

      "I'd like that." 

   She smiled fully at me and my insides went all gooey.

      "Perfect. Shall we meet outside in hour?" I asked.

    She nodded. 

     An hour went by and Selena trotted downstairs to me in the hall. She wore knee length wine red vest over a long sleeved white top with boot cut jeans. Her hair was braided to the side. She looked stunning.

     "Let's go." 

    She took my outstretched hand and we walked into the misty day. I found a coffee shop in the middle of the local town. I escorted her in and we ordered drinks. While we waited, we chatted about our lives. Selena's life was far more interesting than since she had lived longer. A buzz on my mobile interrupted us. The number on the face of my mobile is unknown to me.

    "Sorry." I mumbled.

         "It's alright."

     I slide the bar across to answer it,


        There is a shrieking on the other side of the line.

       "Mason!? Oh thank goodness." 

         "Melody? What is it?"

     Selena's eyes widen at the name.

       "You need to get your ass back here. We need you, Elinor's gone bonkers. Rhys tried to calm her down but well, she threw him through a door. The place is in shambles and there's frantic knocking at the door. Hang on."

            The line went silent so I said my goodbyes.

     "Alright, we'll be back in a few moments." 

       I ended the call. I explained the situation to Selene who merely rolled her eyes at the message.

       "If only Harriet could see her ancestor now." She stifled a giggle.

      We left the coffee shop and headed to the Land Rover. The sun forced its way out from the clouds and shone brightly down. It trailed us back to the mansion. What we saw there at the gate, chilled us to the bone. I hit the brakes hard and the rover skidded to a stop. I left the door open and so did Selena. Rhys was chained to the gate, hoodless, his skin blistering in the sunlight. His face was calm though. He seemed to be talking to a cloaked figure who turned at our approach. Elinor was smiling as she held a shimmering glass bottle. Inside that bottle was a grey mist which twisted and turned inside.

    "What is that!?" I yelped.

       "His soul. They gave it to me. I want freedom from this eternal death, Mason. They intend to give it to me." Elinor spoke serenely.

     As if on cue, several figures dressed in cloaks appeared in a purplish mist. One of them took Elinor by the shoulders, almost lovingly. What had she been up to? She'd been very distant from us.

    "Smash the bottle, my dear, and you shall be free." The male hunter hissed.

        "Truly?" Elinor whispered, her gaze fixed on the sky.

             "Yes." The hunter answered.

          "No!" We three roared at the same time.

       Smash went the bottle just as a rowan knife was thrust through Elinors back. She let out a scream and collasped, face first into a grimacing hunter. They all vanished as the sky burst open with a thunderclap. 

      "Elinor!" Rhys screamed.

        Rhys's body writhed and twisted against the gate. A powerful gold glow engulfed him. Then the gate shattered and he fell to the ground, the same yet different. He knelt and turned his caramel colored hands back to front and back again. He touched his face in wonder filled grief.

    "I'm...I'm mortal." He gasped.

    Then he began to retch, throwing up a black blood to stain the gravel. He eyed me with his ice blue gaze. He looked terrified.

     "I lost her again." He muttered.

         I was confused at his statement. However Selena was not.

    "Again? What do you mean?" 

   There was no answer from him. He had fainted. Selena beckoned me over to help him.

       "He means Harriet Muffet. The one who Elinor looks like." She explained.

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