Road Trip!

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    I meanded downstairs after I calmed my racing heart after the incident with Snow. I found Mr. Thomas standing patiently waiting for me. He had a slight scowl on his face,

    "I understand what you did was an accident but you must be more careful. Snow could of bitten your head off." He growled but that remark was tinged with sarcasm.

    "Uh huh."

   I was now mentally imagining myself headless. It was not a pretty picture. I heard a door slam to my right and Snow waltzed out. I hadn't relized I had my mouth open until she told me to shut it. Snow wore black skinny jeans, a white shirt with a waistcoat on top and boots. She looked normal for once, well up until she revealed her snarky, bloodthirsty nature. 

   "Well, where are we off to?" She asked.

       "We?" I gulped.

    "Yes, stupid." Snow rolled her eyes.

    "Mr. James, I have taken the liberty of packing your bags and sending you and Snow to Ireland. There's an old friend of mine I'd like you to meet. His name is Rhys but don't let appearances deceive you." He explained.

     Right, I was just going to go along with this, wasn't I? Up until I could escape this madness and return to my studies. Snow looked at me like she could sense what I was thinking. Then she grinned showing her fangs, I was momentarily taken aback but I regained myself. She followed me outside to a  kakhi colored, beat up Land Rover. 

   "Ah. So this is your armoured, death trap of a carriage, then?" 

    "I guess so." I replied.

     I opened the passengers door so she could climb in. I shut it behind her just as Mr. Thomas spoke,

     "Look after her. She's a highly valuable vampire, a lot of people are after her neck, pun intended. Please be safe on your journey, do not forget to act your impulses however bad they may be, alright?" He spoke quietly.

   "Of course. You have my word." I said, swiftly.

      I climbed into the rover. As soon as I started the engine, the radio clicked on. An upbeat pop song played.

   "You don't like this?" I commented.

    "Not my taste. Can you change it?" She gave me big, scarlet doe eyes.

    I sighed and switched it to a classical station. Snow smiled in appreciation. I wondered when I would get used to that smile. She was such a bizzare person but yet, she was also intriguing. It would take us a couple hours to get to the ferry that would take us to Dublin in Ireland. It was beginning to grow dark as we neared the ferry terminal. I payed the fee and then drove onto the ferry. Once I parked, Snow left the vehicle. I grabbed a jacket and followed her. She smiled serenely in the fluorescent lights as she gazed out onto the dark ocean. I leant my arms on the railings,

    "What are you thinking about, Snow?" I asked, looking at her.

    In the light, her eyes had taken on a violet hue. I wondered if that was her actual eye color or was it just a trick.

    "Mason, please call me by my real name." She breathed.

      "Alright, tell me your name." 

     She pushed back her curls which had escaped from her ponytail.

       "Elinor. My great, great, great grandmother was a Muffet so I guess that'll be my last name. I never liked the name Snow, it was a name my stepmother gave me." She explained.

    Elinor. What an unexpected name. It suited her quite well. It meant bright, shining one which she certainly was. I shivered a little a breeze came off the water. 

   "If you're cold, you can go. I'll be fine, I haven't been outside for so long. I thank you once more, Mason." She stated, calmly.

    "I did nothing to earn your thanks." I bit out that remark.

Did I say that out loud? I didn't mean that, I spoke without thinking. Elinor flicked her head to me and narrowed her eyes. Her eyes flashed scarlet once more and she actually growled low in her throat. I took that as a warning and mumbled a quick apology. Boy, she did have a temper. I left her by the railing and went inside for a bite to eat and some coffee. I sat near a window and quietly sipped my coffee. I nearly burnt my tongue when she walked in a few moments later. A few heads were turned and hushed whispers were shared,

    "Who is she? Is she a model?"

    "My, I'd have that one against a wall in a heartbeat."

     I frowned at that remark.

      "Is that guy her boyfriend?"

          I reddened and buried my face in the muffin I bought. Luckily Elinor ignored everyone and sat across from me.

   "So?" I said, my voice slightly strangled.

     "We are on the move and it was getting quite windy." She replied, gesturing to her wind blown hair.

         I nodded. She settled back in the chair and closed her eyes. I finished my snack and shortly afterwards I joined her.

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