A Warriors Heart

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  Selena's POV,

    I left them all wondering why I went down so easily. Since I am immortal, no known mortal blade can take me down. Soon I had sprung back up, ripping the blade from my stomach with a squelch. The first hunter never knew what hit him as the blade went through his neck. I smiled serenely as I was splashed with warm blood. I was no longer the pitiful queen looking for her mate now. No, I had risen above that, I'd become a fearful wraith intent on rescuing the innocent.

   "What!? How!? You have no scent of decay on you!" The main hunter roared.

     "Release her or I'll run you through." I growled, edging backwards towards the lever.

      Clang. The grill opened and let in a fuming Rhys. I winked at him and let him get to Elinor. He smirked at my gestured. I pointed my taken blade at the man and I pointed a finger to Rhys.

    "See here? This is an ancient vampire who you've just pissed off. I can give you a merciful death or you can be mauled by his anger." I said calmly.

    "Guards!" He yelled.

   Stupid idiot. Sigh. I thought I'd get through this with little blood spilt. Ten more hunters appeared around the corner. My eyes flick to the mortal who was just stood there with his mouth open.

    "Whose the cute one?" I flirted quite innocently.

      The young man ducked his head embarrassed.

   "That would be Mr. James, Selena."


      "Mason, I could use your help."

   Mason walked over to Elinor. Rhys pointed to the stakes embedded in her wrists. Mason nodded and tugged out the wood, making it clatter on the floor when he dropped it with disgust. Rhys caught Elinor as she slumped forward.

   "Shit. They've nearly drained her." Rhys gasped.

     Suddenly Elinor flew from his arms, heading to the main hunter. She tackled him and he went down with a panicked screech.

    "That's something you don't see everyday." I quipped.

      "He kind of deserved it." Mason answered.

      There was a moan and a gurgle and he went still on the floor. Rhys crouched down next to Elinor who was caked in blood. There was an angelic smile on her face like a child who had just received ice cream. Terrifying and cute in the same way. I couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

    "Are you finished?" He said quietly.

      Elinor said nothing and Rhys draped his raincoat over her, scooping her into his arms.

     "Lead the way, Selena." Rhys announced.

       "Dutifully I will." I grinned and hook my arm around Masons.

         "Are you flirting with me?" Mason asked, ever so innocently.

   "And what if I am? You are a fine specimen." I gave a coy smile.

     Mason swallowed heavily. Oh goody, I'd made him blush. We walked steadily out of the room past the astonished guards. Newbies, I guessed. I turned my head around and stuck my tongue out. That was a little childish but I did not care. A short walk down the hall ended in an unlocked door. I let go of Mason to push it open slowly. A waft of sewage came out.

    "How unclean." I muttered.

       Inside were seven cages all full except for one. The light was dim but I could make out an assortment of animals. Chimeras. But were was the seventh one? I glanced up and took in glowing green eyes. It saw me and landed heavily in front of us. It was a mixture of stone and purplish scales. It stretched its great creaking wings and then it bowed deeply.

     "I recognize that sweet smell anywhere. Is that my dear Snow White?" It purred like grating stone.

   "You know Elinor?" Rhys said surprised.

   The chimera wrinkled its nose at the name.

      "Yes. We were her caretakers long ago before she was snatched from us. I am Bayund, a creature made of a gargoyle and a serpent." He smiled, showing chipped stone teeth.

    "I thought you creatures didn't exist." Mason piped up.

        "No, my dear young man. We are the legends you silly mortals made up about us. Now, would you be so kind as to release my brethren?"

     Mason and I agreed at the same time.

    "Be warned. Some of their minds have been addled. If they do not want to follow, leave them be."

   I started to unlock a cage containing a mixture of a badger and a horse. It growled menacingly and spoke harshly,

   "I am no longer in an alliance with that vampire."

      Alright then. I headed to the next cage where a sweet looking dog like chimera with matted fur sat. It rubbed against me when I swung the door open.

     "Oh, thank you, thank you!" It thumped its mace like tail on the ground.

      "You're welcome."

     "I am Tonwen." She offered me a taloned paw to shake.

           I obliged and she licked the back of my hand in gratitude. Out of the seven cages only three chimeras remained loyal to Elinor. A tusked cat hissed at the remaining cages and kicked his hoofed back legs in anger. There was a sudden cacophony

     "You should all be ashamed! Why I, the great Darius knew that Snow White would never leave us!" He snarled.

       Our strange band trekked back to a floor length mirror. Of course, Rhys and Elinor did not have reflections as all good vampires should. I repeated the words and the mirror rippled, showing the passage home. I looked down at my ruined t-shirt and tutted,

    "I really liked this one. Shame, really."

        "How did you fight like that, Selena?" Mason questioned.

        "I trained for the better half of two centuries in Japan under the thumb of a well respected samurai. He kept me hidden and taught me well. I've fought warlords and demons, winning each time. But now, I want to settle down, maybe write a book or two." I explained.

    "Ah, I see. So you have a warriors heart?"

       Now it was my turn to blush furiously and deeply. Luckily it was dark so Mason couldn't see but I did hear Rhys snicker quietly. Ass.

    "Exactly, Mason."

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