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      Three days had passed since Elinor and I had met that mystery man, Rhys. After that incident, Elinor had vanished into the recesses of the house. It had taken many tries but I found her on the morning of the third day. She was in the attic, sitting on a moth ridden wing backed chair. She was sat in the shadows staring out of the small window.

     "Hey." I approached her cautiously.

   She made no noise nor did she attempt to move.

      "Melody said that you haven't drunk in over four days." 

     I heard her sigh heavily. I sat at her feet.

      "What's the point?" She scowled.


        "I've been undead for two hundred and nineteen years. My heart is a leaden weight inside my chest. I cannot feel my breath on my skin. I cannot experience the birds singing in the dawn because after sunrise, I feel lethargic and need to sleep. I do not want this life anymore." She softly spoke.

     I had no words. I got up to leave her only but I tripped over a loose floorboard. I ended up planting a hand straight through a broken mirror. Elinors head snapped up and she glared at me. Thick drops of my coppery blood hit the floor with a splatter. I watched as her eyes became brilliantly red. I became quite terrified of this vampire. Had she not drunk anything for my sake?

    "Now, Elinor." I warned.

     I backed up into a wall, my injured hand clenched into a fist. Blood soaked into my t'shirt. She practically flew off the chair towards me. I yelped, spinning around her. I had nearly made it to the stairs but she latched a hand onto my arm, dragging me backwards. 

   "What's going on?!" Melodys voice broke through.

     Elinor regained her composure and slunk back into the shadows. Melodys eyes caught my hand.

    "Oh dear." She sighed.

        She wrapped a hand around my upper arm and tugged me downstairs.

      "Was that an accident or were you trying to feed a particularly foul mouthed vampire?" She said grimly.

   "An accident. I didn't mean to, I'm just..." 

       "Clumsy. I know, all mortals are." She gave me a half smile.

              She half pushed me towards the second floor bathroom. I sat gingerly on the tub as she rooted through the cupboard for first aid supplies. Melody carefully washed and dressed the wound.

    "Good thing it wasn't deep." She patted my wrist.

        I thanked her and got up to leave.

     "Elinors mind is fragile, you know. She's having a hard time processing the twenty first century." 

    "I think I might of shattered it. I wouldn't be surprised if she hates me now." I rubbed a hand through my hair.

      Melody let out a soft chuckle.

    "Come to the library, there is more I'd like to discuss with you."

      I obliged and trailed her into the library. I sat on the moth ridden sofa to listen.

        "I first met Elinor or Snow as she was called two hundred years ago. I was actually the one to help her escape. I was also a vampire although I was newly turned then. I knew she was lonely as I had seen her locked and barred room when I cleaned as a maid. We became fast friends and she helped me through my transformation after I was bitten. On that night, the Duchess had planned to marry her off to an old baron. Elinor did not agree with it so I broke in and she escaped into the night. I was taken and tortured for the whereabouts of her. I had been locked up for a hundred and fifty years, Rhys found me. That's how I know him, he's an Underworld vampire. He takes and feeds on people's souls." Melody explained.

      I nodded. Just then, the library door swung open revealing Rhys. I cleared my throat and got up to leave.

     "Madam Melody, Mr. James."

         "I'll be going." Melody smiled and left the room.

          I sat back down again. Rhys strode to the window staring out into the misty sunlit gardens.

      "You are friends with Miss Elinor?" He asked.

           "I wouldn't say that, I kind of pissed her off this morning." I mumbled, twisting my fingers.

        "Ah. All I wanted to say was that she reminds me of someone I used to know. Somebody that I once loved." Rhys's voice was far away.

      "Unrequited love is heartbreaking, isn't it. Tell that to Willow Saunders. She stomped on my heart and poured chocolate pudding on my head in tenth year." 

     I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration.

      "Yes. For a vampire, years without somebody to protect can drive you crazy. I never allowed myself to grow close to someone."

       Wow, he sounded sincere. I couldn't do that even if I tried. You think you love someone with all your heart but they turn around and crush you into the earth. Love, it made you cry, scream and shout.

      "If you see Miss Elinor around, tell her I wish to court her. But if not, then I respect her choice."

     "Of course, Rhys."

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