Candles And Heartbeats

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Rhys POV,

The candles glow caught strange glimmers in Elinors curled ebony hair. We were sat in the dining room of the mansion, just I and her. There was no one else around. It had been a month since our hearts had started beating again. A whirlwind of kisses and doing unexpected things, like finding ourselves in the basement with a record player and nothing else. I mean nothing else as we were...But that doesn't matter and I took a sip of the ruby colored wine. Elinor smiled shyly at me from across the table,

   "Something on your mind?" I asked.

     "Are they happy?"

  "Who, Elinor?" I was a little confused by her question.

   She speared a bite of chicken and paused a moment before eating it,

  "Mason and Selena."

    I smiled giving her courage and hope,

      "Of course they are. Nothing can harm them there."

     Elinor set down her cutlery and picked up her wine glass. She dragged a finger over and over the rim while giving me a flirtatious look. I wondered exactly what she was thinking.

    "I grow tired of this meal." She licked her lips, "I need something sweet to sink my teeth into."

   Every since Elinor had become mortal she had become more bold in her advances towards me. I must admit, I quite liked it. It put what I did to shame. Her movements had made me latch my gaze onto her full lips and I dragged my gaze back up to her unusual colored eyes so I could voice my answer,

   "And what would that be?" I already knew the answer but I liked to tease her.

    With that, she blew out the candles, plunging the dining room into darkness. I heard a whisper of fabric, the squeak of the chair and she was gone. I withheld a laugh and set off to find my beloved. This was a new one she had thought up and I would make her pay for making me chase after her. I heard her bell like laugh echo upstairs but when I reached the landing it was gone. I knew of several hidden passages in the house from the days when this place still had servants. I located an askew candle on the wall, twisted it and entered the passage, the cold, musty air swirling around me. My shoes squeaked on the floorboards.

   "Are you sure you want to do this? I can make you beg in unspeakable ways..." I purred.

     "Oh my, I'm blushing. Catch me, Rhys." Her voice floated down the tunnel, guiding me to her.

     I caught her just as she was about to vanish into the passages again. She squealed as I buried my head into her neck and bit down. She let out a low moan which made me very satisfied. Then I kissed where I had bitten her,

   "Did you think you would escape this time?" I hissed, my voice low.

      She flashed me a cheeky smile. I scooped her up and exited the servants tunnels, heading towards the bedroom. I kicked shut the door and set her down, pressing her back against the door.

     "Do your worst." She drawled, tempting me.

   "I shall."

   My lips find hers just as my fingers flick up her skirt and I wrap her leg around my waist. Those fingers slide up her thigh,


   She tilts her head and I press kisses to her neck, my path traveling to her ear where I bite her lobe. She writhes and groans,

      I push the straps of her dress down and turn her so I could undo the zipper. It falls to the floor with a swish of fabric. I eye her lacy bra and murmur,

   "I hate these modern contraptions."

    Elinor gives a breathy laugh which cuts out as I pick her up. She automaticity twines her legs around my waist. My lips find hers once more and I slip off her bra, baring her to me. She growls into my mouth and finds the buttons on my shirt and soon we are bare from the top down. I have traveled the path to the bed with a million times so kissing will not be problem there. A few moments later or a lifetime later, we heave a sigh of contentment and begin the process again.

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