Meetings Can Be Deadly

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     I woke as the ferry was docking. Elinor followed me down to the rover. I noticed she was unusually quiet. I stared at her still form as she stood for moment before climbed into the vehicle.

    "Are you alright?"

  "My bones protested like twigs they snapped, oh, sweet agony through my veins. A cry like birds leaves my lips." She quietly singed.

   Ok, she had gone crazy. Perhaps it was a little too much to pin my hopes on her. I shook my head and entered the rover. I sat quietly until the ferry started unloaded the vehicles. I started the rover and drove slowly behind the other cars. Finally we were out of the terminal.

   "What was that you were singing?" I asked, startling her.

       "Oh, it was just a nursery rhyme someone taught me when I was a child." She smiled half heartily.

     "It seems pretty grim for a child to be singing it. I grew up with the tellytubbies and Sesame Street. Back then the Count was just a harmless puppet."

   Elinor just looked at me like I had a second head. According to her, I was also a little strange. As the cat would say in Alice in Wonderland, "We're all mad here." I reached for the knob on the radio hoping the dinge of todays pop music would drown out the silence between us. About an hour into the drive, Elinor directed me to an old mansion on the moor. It was covered in ivy and the cobblestone drive was patched in moss. But the mansion looked well kept as several lights flickered at the top floor.

    "I had an aunt who lived here, she died when he cat tripped her when she was coming down the stairs one summer when I was ten." She chimed in once we reached the iron gates.

    "Interesting," I read the plaque on the gate, "Barkley Manor."

       I parked the rover outside the front door and Elinor hopped out dashing towards the manor. Well then, leave me with the luggage, why don't you. I slammed the drivers door rather forcefully and stomped to the boot, flinging it open. I grabbed my rucksack, hers and mine luggage and followed her into the manor. I dropped them in the hall with its moth eaten carpet and went back outside to shut and lock the rover. I tripped back inside, seeing a willowy, black woman chatting to Elinor. The woman smiled at me, showing razor fangs.

   "You must be Mr. James. I'm enchanted to meet you." A heavy Irish accent could be heard.

   A figure hugging, robins egg blue evening dress swished as she walked towards me. I couldn't help but smile back. Elinor gave me a look of disdain.

    "That's Melody for you." She muttered.

      Melody's head turned to her,

     "Be nice, Elinor."

        Elinor rolled her eyes.

    "Bite me."

     There was harsh tension in the air.

     Melody gave a deep laugh,

   "I shan't need too, you've got a tongue that could cut glass. Come, Mr. James, I'll show you to your room."

   I followed the beautiful woman up the stairs with my bags. She led me to a room with a bathroom attached. The room was pale green and grey. She then gestured to the locks on the inside of the room.

   "These are blessed silver, only used when there is a practically bloodthirsty vampire in the manor. Use these and they cannot get in. Come downstairs once you've refreshed."

    I thanked her and she left. I shut the door behind her and grabbed a change of clothes before heading to the shower. I wondered how long I could remain here until I became a meal for one of these vampires. Melody seemed pleasant enough but I didn't want to get on her bad side. I undressed and slid into the blissfully hot shower. Once I was clean, I dressed in a graphic tee and jeans. I slipped on my sneakers and then headed back downstairs. But just as a turned a corner, I ran into someone. She was small, blonde and I nearly tripped over her. She merely laughed and then pinned me to a wall.

   "My, my. I didn't know we had dinner guests. Mind if I have a taste?" Her voice was breathy, devoid of any accent I could detect.

    "Yes." I yelped.

    It was just then Elinor marched into the hall. Her face was blank as she stared at us. I tried to say help but my throat was clogged. The girl noticed my expression and her gaze flicked to Elinor.

   "Oh, is this one yours?" The girl asked her.

     "No. Merely an acquaintance."

    With that she had gone to another room.

    "Goody, I wonder what you'll taste of."

      I heard the whispering pop as her fangs came down. I shut my eyes tight and waiting for the burning sensation on my neck. My whole body quivered in fear. Then I heard a heavily accented voice yell,

   "Joan! We do not eat our guests! Leave him be."

    "Maybe next time." Joan whispered in my ear.

     I collapsed against a wall in relief.

      "Thank you." I gasped.

     "Anytime, Mr. James."



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