A Sleep as Cold as Death

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Rhys POV,

     I felt incredible power surge through my body. I was no longer looking at life through tunnel vision, I could now see the bigger picture. I said the words and the mirror rippled and opened. I dashed through, intent on completing my mission. I could feel the shreds of my humanity ripping away and struggled to maintain a grip on it. I sincerely hoped Elinor would be alive because I intended to kiss the hell out of her. She made me whole once more even though we barely got along. My eyes shut and I then became the monster I so feared. The hunters screams were barely a whisper as I tore their throats and guts out. I was a born killer, no more did I feast on the souls of the damned, no, I did not care who I killed anymore.  I was covered in their stinking guts and steaming blood when I finally waltzed out of the first chamber.
     A single glance at the remaining hunters made them scatter. Pathetic. With an inhuman growl and teeth bared, I plowed through them. I was a ruthless killer, hellbent on revenge. My feet echoed through the empty halls. I reached a large, ornate room. I heard a heartbeat and uneven breathing. A hunter? No, this heartbeat was different. It sounded slow and painful. There was a long, oak table in the middle. At the end of it, at the far end sat,

   "Elinor!" I cried.

   I sprinted towards the table, to her side. She sat, slumped, with manacles attached to her wrists. The manacles were spiked inside and her wrists leaked blood. Her blood smelt warm and coppery. Odd. I then noticed a slender, glass bottle next to a plate. On that plate was a vivid green apple surrounded by crystal shards. What was going on? I heard footsteps enter the room from a door on the left side.

   "Ah. An underworld vampire. We knew you were coming so we prepared you a meal." The female hunter announced, gesturing to Elinor.

   No. I wouldn't, I couldn't. She was the glue that kept my humanity intact. I wandered around the table and saw something that angered me. The apple had a bite out of it that was covered in blood. Elinor had blood around her mouth as well.

   "What did you do?" I hissed.

      "Well, we had to make her compliment, didn't we? If not, she could of destroyed us all. A little whiff of her soul and she becomes mortal. The apple was harder though, she blankly refused to take it. Then we said we'd kill her friend, Mr. James if she didn't. But you don't care about that, do you?" She marched around listing things.

    "The hell I do." I growled.

        Off came my jacket and I stood, staring at her. I was livid. Elinor was dying and she simply stood there. A growl erupted from my lips,

     "Don't even think about it. I've got holy water in these veins." She snarled.

       I didn't hesitate as I ripped her throat out, crushing her windpipe. Her body slumped to the ground in the growing puddle of blood. I wiped my hands on my jeans. I then jerked free the chains binding Elinor. I caught her as she slid down the chair. I could hear her heartbeat growing fainter.

    "Don't you die on me. If you do, I will bring you back rather forcefully."

       I brushed her hair away from her neck.

       "It won't work. Her soul already belongs to me."

That voice. I knew it so well, it haunted me to this very day. I turned to a figure cloaked in grey. It was the warlock, the one who tricked Harriet into killing herself. I scooped Elinor up and cradled her against me. I wasn't going to loose another woman I loved to this monster.

     "I'm taking her home." I growled.

     "Fine. But you'll wander the earth aimlessly after she goes, won't you? You did that after Miss Muffet declared her love for another. A sad life you lead, Rhys Burnes. There is a way though but you must figure that out on your own. I'm not cruel, I make my own rules up for my own games."

With that he vanished with a dramatic twirl of his cape. I cupped Elinor's cheek, rubbing my thumb against it, softly.

    "You'll be fine, I promise. I'll put this right." I murmured.

      I practically flew out of the chamber and back to the mirror. My feet thudded against the cobblestones as I ran back to the manor. I leapt from the mirror and into the dining room. I gently laid Elinor on the oak dining table. The others entered the room shortly afterwards.

    "What the hell did you do!?" Mason yelled.

        "I'd like to know that too." Melody chimed in, arms folded.

           I took Elinors cold, still hand. Her pulse was fading fast.

               "Leave him be! Can't you see that he's hurting?!" Selena hissed.

      Then Elinor went still, her heart had stopped. A rumble rolled through me and I shuddered.

          "Mason. Help me." I mumbled quietly.

    He said nothing and unscrewed the peanut butter jar containing my soul. It flew towards me and I let it swirl around, drawing out the darkness inside. I collapsed onto a chair, exhausted. No more would I remain one of the undead. I wished to live out the remaining days until I could rejoin Elinor in the afterlife. Perhaps we could not belong together in life but in death we could.

      "Let's leave him alone." Selena whispered to the others.

      I didn't hear them leave. I bundled her against my chest as a sob echoed through me. Around her I felt alive but now my heart had shattered. I lost all my hope that I had collected over the years.

        "Elinor, I love you with all my soul and being." I whispered.

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