12• Anchor

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Chapter 12-

Benny's POV•

I run around the corner and find Ethan, scarring him in the process.

"Benny! Are you ok?" He asks, "Never better. Check this out." I say, holding up the coffee.
"Cool!" We hear, Ethan and I jump as we look over seeing Rory in a mask.

"Is that chocolate? Got you!" He says taking it off, "Check what I swiped from the teachers lounge. Hicks took this from me in September." He says, "Wait! You were in the teachers lounge?" Ethan asks.

"Candy, games, TV, couches!" Rory says happily, I raise an eye brow, "Zombies?" I ask, "Really? I just thought they were all really grumpy." Rory says slightly confused.

Ethan shakes his head sighing, "Whatever. We have to get this coffee to the chemistry lab." I nod slowly, "Chemistry? Boring. I'd rather smack me some zombies. RV away!" Rory states, putting on his mask and running off.

"We better re-arm." Ethan says grabbing a fire extinguisher, "Uh dude... About that, I wanna actually go check on Abigail..." I mumble, worrying.

"Benny, just cause you like her, doesn't mean you need to always be there." Ethan states, "Dude! ... And... Well, she could be hurt!" I say awkwardly.

It's true, I do like Abigail...

Ethan sighs, "Fine, but be fast, and meet me back at the lab." Ethan states, with a serious tone. I nod, handing him the coffee and run off.


I run down a few halls until I find the boys bathroom I left her in. I open the door slowly and as I walk in I almost scream. There lays a pissed off looking wolf, with blue glowing eyes that looks like it could kill.

"Abigail...?" I ask, it just growls back, I shut the door and gulp, "Abigail, listen... It's Benny! You know, the spell caster! The one who makes jokes all the time, the one who kinda likes you..." I mumble the last part.

Abigail just keeps growling at me but the look has softened. "Look." I start, "I know you want to kill me, but, I know you won't! Because I know you would never hurt me! So... I'm gonna stay here, I'll stay with you, I won't run... Just... Please turn back..." I say, the wolf starts walking towards me and I back up, crouching a bit.

The wolf continues to growl and even barks, "Abigail. Please. You can fight this! Fight the moon! Please... I know you can!" I yell, shutting my eyes as the wolf pounces towards me.

But I'm still alive, I'm ok.

I can hear heavy breathing, besides my own, I look up over at the figure In front of me, her hair is messed up and she's facing the opposite direction, so she's not looking at me.

"Abigail...?" I ask, regaining my breath. "I... I..." She stutters, looking around, Abigail's eyes then land on mine, and I feel like time just stood still.

We weren't saying anything, just looking into each others eyes. I enjoyed it. Examining her beautiful blue eyes, different shades mixed.

She then breaks the gaze and she looks down, a blush forming on her cheeks, I raise an eyebrow and look at her back, seeming she was still facing the other way.

A blush creeps on my cheeks also as I realise, she's naked. I quickly remove my eyes and look elsewhere, "Sorry!" I say awkwardly.

"It's ok! My fault..." She says, I hear some movement then a stall door close. I turn back around to see she and her clothes are gone, probably to get changed, I get up, dusting off my pants.

Fox and the Hound [Benny Weir] - ✔️ - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now